**>> SPYNET BULLETIN **>> EARTHDATE 95.03.26 **>> AN H-by-A SERVICE **>> Compiled by Hazed plus a team of specialist newsdroids **>> your news and gossip and get paid good groats! **>> A DAY OF PROBLEMS We apologise for Fed's unavailability on Friday night and during the day on Saturday. Sometime on Friday, something went wrong with the game - we are still not sure exactly what caused the initial problem, it is either some new code that was put in to make changes to workthing consumption, or an error in a player-planet. The result was that planet data being held in memory became corrupted - which then wrote itself out to disk during one of the periodic automatic saves. As a result, the game became totally unstable and kept on crashing, and the corruption spread further. The decision was taken to close the game down completely and restore the previous day's data from the backup tape. At this point, another disaster happened, as it was discovered that there were problems with the backup tape. After many hours of trying, the best backup that could be found was from a week ago, on March 17. By combining the existing files that had not been corrupted, and the old versions of files that had been corrupted, we were able to bring the game back up yesterday afternoon. However, some of the files are a week old: namely, anything to do with planets. All other ranks should be unaffected but planet-owners will find that all information about their planets has reverted to the state it was in on March 17. This includes planet treasuries, investments made, stocks and deficits, population levels and so on. It also includes location, object and event files. We don't yet know whether the workbench files themselves are affected. While we sort this out, the workbench will be unavailable for 48 hours. Planet-owners who have lost through this reversion will be compensated and as far as possible we will give back the items that have been lost. You need to send a claim to Hazed, using mail on your host system: on GEnie, to FEDII.2; on Delphi, to FED2; on Cris, to FEDERATION2. Include in the claim your persona name, your planet name and your logon ID, and detail all the losses you wish to claim back. We need to know the actual missing amounts: it's no good saying "my treasury should be xxx gig", instead tell us how much is missing from your treasury. We will be sorting out claims later this week; the sooner you get your claims in the quicker we can deal with them. Meanwhile, we apologise once again for the problems and ask your patience while we deal with the aftermath of the disaster. **>> CONSUMABLES: A DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW from the office of the Execitive Chair Officer of Daniels Inc. When I first heard of consumption, I thought it was an excellent idea. It forces the planet owners to help the company owners in a most profitable, and benifitual way for all concerned. For example: 8 of the 9 factories ran by Daniels Inc. produce nothing but inputs or consumables. I have done most of my trading in Furs for Dawn. When I got to Merchant, Maxwell said Furs was a consumable on his planet and even while offering one of the best prices to be found in Fed for them, not very many were coming in (I don't understand why). To make matters worse Dawn doesn't have the inputs for a Fur factory of its own!! I didn't want to spend all my time hauling inputs to Dawn. I started looking into the inputs to make the inputs required for Furs. I found Naug, which needed Petros and Cereals and had the inputs for them but did not need Stock or Textiles. I explaned to Aren what I was doing, and got the Petros and Cereals going. These products were first sold on the Naug exchange (consumables). Later I got the Stock and Tex factories on Naug also, these are strictly for the inputs on Dawn since the Naug exchange doesn't need them at all! Then I told Maxwell I was ready to start a Furs factory on Dawn. Running a system of factories, I sometimes have to shut the ones on Naug down to prevent a loss (wages 0), especially the Stock and Tex; these factories still make enough to run themselves but the company just breaks even on them since the groats are transfered between factory accounts. The Petros and Cereals can sometimes be sold on the Naug exchange if the price is above the base price (cost to manufacture). Since Petros is needed by all the factories on Naug and Dawn it runs almost constantly. Since these factories produce inputs I have to keep an eye on where the products are going. The price for Furs on Dawn is plenty to cover the transportation and I still make a sizeable profit. This also gives me a monoply on Furs on Dawn. Since the price of them hasn't dropped that much since production started this tells me Dawn needs even more of them. I am thinking about starting another Fur factory there, or letting a new Merchant friend of mine start the factory with me selling him the inputs. This should be enough demand to keep the Naug factories operating constantly. As for my other factories, I have entered into agreements with the planet-owners for exclusive rights to produce those consumables on their planets. If they need more, I start more factories and already know they will be profitable for me. I do not feel that the problem is with the consumables as much as it is with the other CEOs and planet-owners for not working togeather. My planet-owners are getting what they need, and I am guaranteed good prices on their exchanges. This also gives me 4 trading routes to give to haulers once I reach JourneyPersonHood. This will help the lower ranks and aid my advancement. Federation is partly a Commerce game. Consumables force CEOs not to randomly start factories and planet-owners to actually run their planets more carefully. This leads to a close working relationship between planet-owners and CEOs. I feel that consumables should only be reduced if, say, 2 factories cannot produce enough for the planet (or maybe as much as 4 factories). Another alternative would be to increase the number of factories a company can have, in order to supply the demand (although it would be easier to decrease consumables). Consumables also help eliminate the bottleneck of high-ranking players (which is developing) and create a higher demand for low-ranking haulers. Maybe the planet-owners just need to offer higher prices for what they need. While reducing the amount planets will consume, remember you are not only affecting the planet treasures and the various builds, but also all the CEOs of all the companies in Fed, and the job advailability to haulers. It seems that no one has thought of, or mentioned this affect on the companies in Fed and it is something that needs to be considered. Commerce tends to reward those that use initiative and innovative thinking while at the same time penalizing those that don't. I have heard some planet-owners say that their planets are doing just fine with the consumables the way they are. I consider the whole area of consumables as another puzzle for the planet-owners to solve with help from the CEOs. Clovis ECO Daniels Inc. **>> POPULAR FED FIGURE STILL MISSING The FBI is still searching for Pegasus's kidnapper. After an exhausive search of all known and unknown space, the investigation appears to have a lead. Our newsdroid was able to get this quote from a field agent assigned to the case: 'We have searched everywhere and haven't turned up a single suspect, so now we are 100% certain that the kidnapper is hiding away somewhere in Nowhere.' The Federation techdroids have been hard at work making a link to Nowhere and expect it to be open this Friday. The FBI is worried that the 100 meg reward for the first to find the kidnapper will cause many hapless adventurers to jump into the link in an attempt to win the bounty for themselves. You will get your chance to help find the missing horse by exploring the planet Nowhere next weekend. **>> TRIVIAL FED Next Sunday is the first of our regular Trivia quizzes, organised by Lyrynna the G'hostess. Be in Fed at 7.00pm eastern on April 2 and you can take part, with the chance to win groats, not to mention the admiration of your fellow Fedders. **>> INVASION OF THE SATURNIANS! On Friday, the denizens of FedSpace were casually minding their own business when suddenly, the universe decided to reset itself. Startled, the beings of FedSpace quickly came back in once the chaos was over, only to discover... Earth was missing! Spaceships hovered in the sector of space where Earth was, but when you tried to land, the computers would patiently tell you that there was nowhere to land. Worried, several high-ranking people used their teleporters to try and beam onto Earth, at great personal risk. There, they discovered that Earth did still exist, but had moved... between Saturn and the Interstellar Link! The first theory was that Hazed and Pegasus (who'd vanished together mere moments before the reset of the universe) had decided to have wild passionate sex in the StarShip Cantina--horrified, Earth tried to hide itself in shame. This was tossed out when the truth was revealed--it was an attack by the dreaded Saturnians! The Saturnians, tired of being ignored in FedSpace over the silly Martians, decided they'd take Earth and put it where Saturn normally is, then put Saturn in Earth's place! Their plan backfired, however, when Earth sensed the danger it was in! Terrified, it ran for the Interstellar Link; halfway there, the universe came back online, and there it was, stuck in the dread Interstellar Wastes... What horrible tactics will the Saturnians try next? Will they ever cease until people are allowed to land on Saturn? Wait and see! **>> INTERVIEW WITH A CANDIDATE Just as the Emperor race was heating up, it appears the Ground-grizzle of Fed saw his shadow and retreated back into the murky caves of Mercury, leaving us in the clutches of an icy blizzard of apparent electoral apathy. Where are these erstwhile candidates who, till recently could be heard fervently declaring their hopes for a richer and in some cases, 'kinder' Fedspace? We met Topper first, who refused interview and was last seen pursuing a dewey-eyed newbodess across Sol in a white Bronco. Wasn't that Barberousse's beard we noticed this week on our milk cartons while dousing our breakfast cereal? Senator Marcia offered to sacrifice her chastity itself to give Federation its due. Should we look for her upstairs at CD's, guessing she has indeed seen the need to take up the gauntlet? And it has become unclear whether Senator Occy is undecided about running or merely indecipherable. Or perhaps he has fallen into his own bottomless pockets and vanished beneath the surface of the wealth therein? Our candidates are falling by the wayside and concerned parties want to know why. When ace reporter, Bahba Wawa turned to Bella, Fed's font of all knowledge to ask for help elucidating this mysterious recent disinclination, she was given the following comments... Bahba asks, "Bella, will you give me a quote on the Empahwah elections?" "Possibly", says Bella. Bahba writes down a quote from Bella and you notice the word 'vague'. Bahba says, "Bella, would you elabowate on... 'possibly'?" "Possibly not", says Bella. Other reactions have been equally ambivalent. When told there was to be an interview with a likely candidate, one squire remarked, "I think I'd rather go dead-dead than listen to another interview. No offence Bahba." Can we then expect our candidates to be more than apathetic faced with such disinterest? For insight into another aspect of this mindset, we take you to an interview Bahba conducted with one Senator who had only just dropped from the race at the time of the discussion. Bahba asks, "Senatah Tewwuwian, would you cayah to comment on why you dwopped out of the wace fowah Empawah?" "It was his mother," says Mira. Tellurian says, "Um... several reasons Bahba. The main reason I dropped out of the Imperial Race is cos I realizied I'd be the Emperor of Fools. I would just as soon not be hassled with trying to mollify the current 'Brigade', which currently populates Fed." "Cawah to elabowate on this 'Bwidage' Senatah?" asks Bahba. "Not really Bahba. I'll only comment that I am not politically correct, and the Emperor has to be, it would seem," says Tellurian. "Okay Senatah," says Bahba. "One last question... the pewvewbial question..." "Ask away, Bahba. I have no secrets," says Tellurian. Bahba asks, "If you could be any type of twee, what kind of twee would you be?" Tellurian blinks. Tantras thinks Tellurian would be a tiny little dogwood. Bahba nails the Senatah to the wall with her penetwating gaze. Amigan whispers to Tellurian "a larch?" "Oh my my... sorry Tewuwwian.. wong intaview!" says Bahba. "No Bahba... I'll answer that. A rowen tree," says Tellurian. "It's because Tellurian's often thought to be 'rowan up the wrong creek' Bahba," says Tantras. Tellurian smiles senatorially. On the other hand, we have a Squire that rumor has told us may be in the offing, when the mighty election actually does come around. We bring you that interview, live from CD's... Mira says, "Perhaps you should interview His Grace Nightstalker, Bahba." "Awh you wunning for Empawah, Nightstalkah?" asks Bahba. "No, not until I'm a Seantor," smiles Nightstalker. Bahba motions for her secretary to make a note of that. A stolen planet in his pocket, Devon has just appeared. Bahba asks, "Devon, may I intahview you pwease?" Devon looks up. "Huh?" Bahba takes Devon by the arm and pulls him aside. Devon follows Bahba. Bahba sits down across a table from Devon and places a small recording device in front of him. "What does being Empawah mean to you?" she asks. Devon has bought you a tall glass of cold milk. Devon smiles, "Well, 'tis a lass on every arm." Devon winks. "Yar kinda cute yarself, Bahba." Bahba snorts, then smywels pwofessionally. Bahba asks, "Devon... what owiginally led you to want the position?" Devon says, "I've tried many positions, an' this one appealed ta me... Oh! as Emperor..." Babha nods patiently. Devon coughs. "Well, I saw it as another way ta pick up lasses." "Devon, we undahstand thewah will be new commands associated with this new wank. Do you have in mind any suggestions that you'd like to see implemented?" asks Bahba. Devon says, "I'm quite fond of gettin' tha new Summon & Snog command implemented." Bahba glances up and then continues her interrogation. "Devon, what would be yowah contwibution to Fed should you be ouwah fiwst Empahwah?" Devon smiles, "More parties. Free ale... an' lasses galore!" Bahba nods. Nightstalker says, "Aw Dev, yer just sayin' that." "An I promise personal attention ta all me female subjects," smiles Devon. "Devon, should you not win, which of yowah opponants would you pwefah to see finish in the lead?" asks Bahba. Devon smiles. "Well Bahba, I prefer to see Topper win. I could still get tha lasses then." "Why is that, Devon?" asks Bahba. "Topper understands my... uh... propensity fer, well, losing lasses," says Devon. "As Emperor, he could help me hide tha bodies..." "Ah, I see," answers Bahba, shivering slightly. "Now then, one last question, pwease..." Bahba fixes Devon with a penetwating gaze. "Devon, yowah something of a dawk-howahse in this Empawah wace, considahwing yowah not evan a Senatah. Is theyah any twueth to the wumah that you awh twading sexual favahs to Demi-Goddess Hazed fowah hew backing in this election?" asks Bahba. "Trading??!! I paid good money!... uh...no, what rumors?" asks Devon. Pegasus has heard all about Devon and Hazed playing the Panzer commander and the milkmaid. Devon coughs. "Twas merely ta help her look fer her contacts!" "I see!" says Bahba. "Is that similah to wost keys?" Devon smiles. "Same concept, different position." Having read these dialogs, are we then left to take the measure of our Emperor coin by this, 'the bored and the restless'? To summarize this week's coverage of the quest for the coveted crown, we air an interview with Senator Elex featuring his own hard to garner opinins. "Any comments on Senatah Elex's bid fowah Empawah, Wildstah?" asks Bahba. "I think he'd make a good one, Bahba," says Wildstar. "On what do you base that, Wildstah?" asks Bahba. Wildstar says, "He's calm, has a level head and does not let minor politics get in his way. He is generally liked and trusted." "But nevah heyah. What does Fed need with an absentee Empawah?" asks Bahba. Wildstar says, "Those are the best kind, Bahba. Then they can't do anything stupid." We now move you to another moment in the fast-paced atmosphere of CD's, when Bahba, after months of seeking an interview with the elusive Senator, at last corners him. "Good morning, Captain," says Elex. "Senatah, how nice to see you!" exclaims Bahba. "Have a few minutes foah me?" Elex says, "The pleasure is mine. Of course I do." Bahba pulls Elex over to a table and has her make-up crew get to work. Elex smiles blindingly and waves them away. Bahba settles down across a table from Elex. "Senatah, what does being Empawah mean to you?" asks Bahba. Elex says, "Oh, the Emperor of this Galaxy should be a respected leader. His jobs are to keep the economy healthy, to resolve disputes, and to punish the wicked. More specifically to each point, he works with the economy by controlling the Sol planets to provide additional resources or markets as necessary. Also, to keep goods moving by discouraging the duchies from levying too high of taxes." "He (or equivalent) resolves disputes before they get out of hand. Since senators and their bases can only do destructive things, it is the job of the Emperor to see that they don't. He punishes the wicked as necessary. Wicked includes those who give out puzzle solutions," says Elex. Bahba asks, "I see... so you hope to contwol all of Sol space by winning this wace? And how do you plan to contwol the duchies' tax wates?" Elex says, "The Emperor can't control the tax rates. He can jawbone the Dukes, however, and try to build consensus on reasonable rates." "I see the job as more of a focal point rather than a source of power," says Elex. "Why do you think yowah the best choice fowah this job?" asks Bahba. "I haven't been involved in the political or romantic rivalries that have caused so many bad feelings," says Elex. "Also, I wasn't a Duke for very long, and therefore did not end up in conflict with other Dukes. Consequently, I believe I can act as an impartial ruler, whereas others might be less able to do so." Bahba asks, "That weply suggests theyah will be no Empawah Consort at yoyah side then?" Elex exclaims, "Well, there are so *many* opportunities. Auditions would have to begin immediately upon my elevation!" "Could you elabowate on those 'auditions', Senatah?" asks Bahba. Elex says, "Well, auditions may not be the right word. Audition implies listening to something. Perhaps that is the 'moahning' you were mispronouncing earlier..." "Well Elex, the main thing we've seen about you is yowah absence awound Fed. Do you plan to change that factah?" asks Bahba. Elex says, "I often don't stay long, as there is nothing really for senators to do." "Bahba, if there is nothing here to do, I don't spend much time here," says Elex. "If there is, then I will." Bahba asks, "The 'flog' command seems to be a big issue in this election. What is yowah position on it Senatah Elex?" "I believe I already addressed punishing the wicked," says Elex. "I suspect it is more gentle than slagging their planets." "Slagging planets? What is that, Senatah?" asks Bahba. "One cannot slag a planet, Elex," says Tellurian. "It could be arranged..." says Bella. Bella smirks. "Well, if I understand the use of Imperial Marines.... isn't that what essentially happens?" asks Elex. Bella says, "I was just trying to be helpful." "Also, what other means are there to directly sanction a non-planet owner?" asks Elex. Tellurian says, "you shoot them down repeatedly." Bahba asks, "So you suppowt the 'flog' command, Senatah Elex?" Elex says, "If it is used appropriately, yes. I don't have the emotional reaction that our formerly abused fellow player does." Bahba asks, "You mean Telluwian?" Tellurian taps his 'Down with Flogging!' button. "At work I have a 'The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves' sign," says Elex. Bahba asks, "Senatah, if you don't win, which of yowah opponants would you pwefah to see finish in the lead?" Elex says, "I haven't thought that through, Bahba, I'm afraid. Perhaps Oddball." Bahba says, "Okay, I only have one othah question Senatah Elex. It's wumahed that if you win, you'll fowce all Fed women to weyah elabowate wiah constwuctions in theyah haiah fowah months at a time... Is this twue?" "Elaborate hair constructions? hmmmm....." says Tellurian. "Bahba, I think you need a Cthulu Sunrise or something. I think the Ladies of Federation should all let their hair down!" exclaims Elex. Bahba asks, "So you don't advocate wiah?" Bella asks, "wiah?" Bella looks mystified. "Wire? Of course not!" says Elex. Bella scrolls back in an effort to make sense of the conversation. "Lak ee-un bahbbed wye-ah," says Dierdre. Elex says, "Alas, I really must go now." "Thank you Senatah! It's been a pleashah," exclaims Bahba. Tune in next week for the next thrilling episode, 'Interview With A Despot'. **>> HE'S BAAAACK! Senator Tellurain ne Gaulder has returned to Fed Space after a long absence. The 'official' release states he has been on an extended vacation to recover after saving Sol Space from a fate worse than death. Undercover newsdroids have found out the truth! Senator 'Rain was extradited to an alternate Universe to stand trial for irregularities in his tax returns. It seems that he was charged with not reporting his gambling winnings as income. The case was dropped when government witnesses all disappeared. When questioned, Tellurain was quoted as saying, "I didn't do it! You can't prove it! Nobody saw anything!" **>> ST. PATRICK'S DAY NOTES Fed Space was enlivened by a visit from Patty O'Furniture, Leprechaun, during the last week-end. Gifts of groats were given to all who came and joined him for 'a wee bit of Irish whiskey' to celebrate Saint Patty's Day. Among the various festivities was a St. Patty's day costume contest. Fastjack came away with the honors with his ability to morph into Irish heroes of the past. He is also credited with solving one of the Anamford puzzles. Congrats to Fastjack! **>> DID YOU KNOW? Should you wish to take customization of your body to extremes, the hospital on Earth offers a sex-change-while-you-wait service for a reasonable fee. Fixes a debilitating illness, at the cost of 25,000 ig. Sends 50 carriage return/line feeds, instantly blanking your screen, and turns your comms unit off. Displays where everyone currently logged on bought their ships. This command will give you a list of all the systems currently online, the planets in each, and the classification of each planet. **>> A MAGICAL SABBATICAL Rumours have run rampant about the sudden disappearance of Emmi from the known Fed universe and naturally this newsdroid could smell a story... or it could be that Rigellian oil repeating on me. Has Emmi been the victim of a sinister kidnapping? Did she really run off with Skurge? Has she really been locked in a cellar as Aren's secret love slave? Is it possible that she finally succumbed to her own cooking? As usual, the truth is never as exciting. Devon Skye has offered to take his bond-sister Emmi to the Sidhe homeland, Tir'na'nOg aka The Land of Youth, Land Under the Waves, The Land That Has More Faeries Than Disney, etc, etc. Devon has been promising Emmi for many months to teach her Sidhe magicks and has decided the time has finally come. This newsdroid shudders at the thought of Emmi being able to whip up Spam cookies with a mere wave of the hand. While Emmi is away on her three month sabbatical, she asks any distressed OAC factory owners to approach Aren, Siobhan or Sean. Devon has set up automatic housekeeping on Tanarith so there's no danger of 'spin-out'. He also indicated before they walked off into the mists that he will return after seeing his sister settled... and visiting some family there. **>> CABALS, CONCLAVES, UNDERGROUNDS, AND TRYSTS Underground movements in Federation are not a new concept by far. In fact, there has never been a period of time where these organizations did not exist. One thing has changed, and that's the number of different sectors! And more keep cropping up each day. Rumours have come to our newsdroids' recording circuitry's regarding yet another movement. Speculations have it that it could be tied in with the Godfather. Could this have something to do with Freya's, the Godfather's alleged mistress, reappearance? The new (or is it?) group's movements have been tracked to a morally insulted sect. Morally insulted?? Newsdroids investigated this strange phenomenon and found there is a morally offended group gathering support, ready to go out and charge people for their lack of social grace, hindering of sexual activities, and being overly obnoxious over open comms. Will this group gain the support it needs to straighten up Federation so that we can get back to more important things? We doubt it. **>> DUAL DYNAMICS?! A recent newbod came into Federation that is causing much confusion and amazement. Not so much with actions, but with her name! Newsdroids, still having some of their old programmings, targeted their snoop beams on the newbod named Gemini. Could this be the long lost Gemini that was kidnapped? If not, could this be the fabled twin of the Gemini we once knew? It hasn't set anyone at ease with this new Gemini walking around with the mood "An ominous Gemini ..." Newsdroids have searched every hospital, institution, and the whole of Looney's planet looking for records of a possible amnesia case, not ruling out the possibility that this could actually be the long lost Baroness Gemini. Only time will tell! **>> GUILTY CONSCIENCE We don't know what it is that Starman has done... but whatever it is, he is obviously very ashamed of it. Nothing else would explain his repeated enquiries to the newsdroids as to whether he was in the news or not. At the time of asking, the answer was "No" but now, as you can see... he has got a mention. We just don't know what for! **>> REALLY TRUE LOVE In a simple ceremony, Clovis and Anais were married on Thursday in the church on the moon. Grannie performed the marriage joining the happy couple in a double ring ceremony. The wedding was unmarred by an disturbance from the guests (an amazing event in itself). Perhaps the sweet and simple pledges of love struck the hearts of the guests. Or was it the threat made by Grannie to whollop anyone who didn't behave? Freya (ex-mistress of the Godfather) and Prospero are engaged. This is a real shock to us newsdroids, since Freya traditionally has had a very cynical, jaundiced even, view of marriage. Either she's had a complete personality transplant, or Prospero is one helluva guy... The wedding is scheduled for May 1, venue and time to be announced. Kate made a fast recovery from the devastation of her cancelled wedding to Varian... she got the hots for Fastjack (still smarting over the Katrina affair). Double rebound, perhaps? The couple are due to get married on Wednesday March 29 at 10.00pm eastern, venue to be announced. As if the wedding isn't enough excitement, Fastjack is throwing a party on Thursday March 30 at 9.00pm eastern, probably in Chez Diesel, because he's going away for a while. So... the day after he gets married, he's abandoning his new bride? Hmmm... Helena has declared that she is disgusted with all the men in Fed. According to her, they are all deceivers and useless drones, and she intends to do something about it! She is leading a ladies' campaign for better male material in Fed. We think she's got an uphill task... **>> PLANETS AND DUCHIES Because of the problems mentioned above, the planets are in a bit of an uproar, so there's no report this week. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Do not adjust your spybeam. **>> SPYNET REVIEW Congratulations to everyone who promoted during the past week. The new Captains were Tralfagar, Columbo, Snookums, Delirium, Saebra, Dracula (back from the dead), Kangaroo, Methosto, Snookums, Picasso, Caleb, Bond, Silverwolf, Styyx and Hodar. Columbo, Ghost, Caleb, Styyx, Goddess and Hodar reached Adventurer and Adventureuse. The Traders Guild admitted Ghost and Styyx to its ranks. Ghost and Terra made it to Merchant. The awesome JP puzzle was cracked by Clovis and Ghost. Finn and Kain solved the fiendish GM puzzle. Kain went on to become an Explorer. Adventurer Columbo, Trader Styyx and Merchant Dracula all went d-d. Commiserations, guys! **>> CONTACTS The following information will appear at the end of every News Bulletin, so you don't have to read it if you already know it. The current Federation Game Hosts are: Freya, Phoenix, Chrysalis, Lyrynna, Gazoo and Grannie. Their function is to answer questions, help new players get started, and make fun things happen. In the event of a problem or question, you can: * talk to Hazed or one of the Game Hosts in the game * a message to Hazed * send mail on your host system to the Federation team: on GEnie, mail FEDII.2 or use the option on the main Fed page on Delphi, mail FED2 or use the option on the main Fed page on Cris, mail FEDERATION2 You can buy a copy of the very excellent Idiot's Guide to Federation for the paltry sum of $15.95. On GEnie, type ORDER from any main menu page. On Delphi and Cris, send a check for $15.95 to: Leah Parker, 4543 La Crescenta Avenue, La Crescenta, CA 91214-2912. **>> BULLETIN ENDS