Earthdate June 2002




What was in June 2002's Fed Funnies:



212331:636 - Rasal: One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it. (B. Franklin)
212332:094 - Deedee: One pound of learning requires ten pounds of common sense to apply it. (B. Franklin) I have never heard of anyone having an eleven pound brain!

212332:674 - Zeroz: Software installs are like sex. You stick it in and pray you don't get a General Protection Fault

212334:173 - Chewbacon: 'If your parents never had children chances are you won't either.'
212334:186 - Xia: Unless you are adopted, Chewbacon :)

212336:278 - Ruy: There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.
212336:351 - Jennysstar: and stupidity is in so much demand it never reaches it's expiration date
212336:395 - Circuitborg: Thank the Lord for stupidity.

212336:633 - Circuitborg: If everyone is as happy as I am what a sad place this would be.

212336:692 - Kup: To smash the simple atom, all mankind was intent. Now any day, the atom may, return the compliment.

212336:867 - Ruy: If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.-- Mario Andretti

212336:955 - Lobo: Wisdom is as the tooth...rarely appreciated while it's there...sorely missed once it's no longer available...

212337:025 - Paladin: "Success always occurs in private; failure in full view." - Anonymous

212338:849 - Jadestar: Do not adjust your minds, there is a problem with reality

212338:931 - Lobo: God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to run into the ones that I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
212338:940 - Neva: :::gives Lobo back his eyeglasses:::

212339:028 - Qaxlor: When I die, make me into Soylent Plaid...

212340:143 - Cartman: ::reads the board and makes note to Alan, ~~ Please code cleaner to include board~~ :p

212340:699 - Memphisdave: It's true that every time you hear a bell, an angel gets its wings. But what they don't tell you is that every time you hear a mouse trap snap, an Angel gets set on fire.

212340:680 - Paladin: You know you are a Fedneck when...?
212340:713 - Quqi: you know you're a fednik when you try to port to places in your suv....{{bounce me again, Bunny..Love you, Baby}}
212340:869 - Lobo: You know you're a Fedneck when: You think Monopoles is a board game.

212341:720 - Mistresskella: it's amazing, but when i go to sleep i'm somehwhere completely different from where i woke up. I think my husband is playing with my body while i'm not awake...((DP))
212341:888 - Jerden: I play with bodies of sleeping people all the time. It's quite a complex hobby.

212342:537 - Xia: Happy Monday thought... If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a little noose around you neck? - Linda Ellerbee

212342:555 - Esperanza: Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables. Lachanorutabaphobia is the fear of rutabagas....stay tuned for critical concerns regarding kumquats.
212342:617 - Qaxlor: Barboardophobia - Fear of message boards, if you suffer from this condition, please contact the...oh wait, if you suffer from this condition, you won't be reading this...

212343:506 - Qaxlor: If you lived in Sol, you'd be home already.

212344:565 - Esperanza: Did you know that you're more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than a poisonous spider? Hmmm, champagne or spiders. Tough choice.

212345:882 - Zeroz: The problem with Fed today is the code. I think Fed would run a LOT better without the stinkin' code! Just remove it. ;)

212349:051 - Justadawg: Life is just a dream on the way to death..
212349:054 - Jerden: Assuming you would die. Personally, I have no such plans ;)
212349:108 - Vlad: you won't die if you remember to pay your insurance policy....there isn't any 6th day violation in fed;)

212349:210 - Ruy: Children are like wet cement, Whatever falls on them makes an impression.
212349:298 - Again: When I was a child, I fell in wet cement. So....?

212349:999 - Xao: I started off in this game with nothing...and thank God I still have most of it!

212351:655 - Wolfyn: Gag me.
212351:711 - Hazed: Wolfyn - do you really want me to do that?

212353:062 - Kariscats: Women and cats will do as they please, men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....

212354:296 - Ruy: People say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Why? Do they think there's a shortage of bad ones?

212355:856 - Zeroz: If names are everything, then I'm a whole lotta nothing.
212355:897 - Again: If names are everything, what am I?

212357:799 - Neva: You can be overwhelmed, or underwhelmed, but can you ever be just whelmed?
212357:845 - Synch: according to Websters.....whelm Pronunciation Key (hwlm, wlm)tr.v. whelmed, whelming, whelms, To cover with water; submerge. To overwhelm. Looks like you have to drown to be whelmed...?

212358:250 - Doctorperl: Alcohol is the cause and solution to all life's problems.
212358:330 - Wolfyn: I always thought it was over-simplification.

212336:525 - Esperanza: If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and six days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. I'm almost there
212336:533 - Qaxlor: Whereas a couple having sex produces enough heat energy to light a house for a week, which sounds like time better spent in all regards.

212358:766 - Madonnaboi: Men that take viagra should not take iron, since it will make them spin around and point north...

212359:748 - Creepy: Austrailian scientists have successfully teleported a laser beam a meter from its point of origin, meanwhile, Purdue University is busy trying to patent the freeze-dried beer two students perfected. Gotta love science! Beer and Porting

212361:223 - Cruise: We interrupt your board reading to bring you this announcement. That will be all. Thanks

212362:136 - Doctorperl: Having a Fed Life: $10 / Being Company Owner: 2,000 / Owning a Planet: 115,000,000 / Winning the Tungstan Tourist Trophy: Priceless
212362:172 - Jerden: If The Tungsten Tourist Trap Trophy is priceless and a Fed Life is $10..then why not just buy 20 Fed Lives for $200 and always win the TTTT?

212364:257 - Wolfyn: They show you how detergents take out bloodstains. I think if you've got a T-shirt with bloodstains all over it, maybe your laundry isn't your biggest problem.
212364:482 - Creepy: Creepy in BIG trouble then;)

212364:574 - Flair: On Children: Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home. Bill Cosby

212364:581 - Christy: Remember, don't take any wooden nickels with you out there. They always give you away when you try to spend them.

212365:163 - Wolfyn: Madness takes its toll, please have exact change.
212365:164 - Rasal: <--- left his mind in his other pants.

212366:235 - Wolfyn: Ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window?
212366:235 - Puppydogz: :::lets the ears fly:::
212366:468 - Hazed: Maybe the breeze smells sweeter than your breath!
212366:473 - Malevolent: There is no maybe about it Hazed.

212366:738 - Jerden: Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll still find someone else to do it for him.


Future star of Fed Porn, Duke St. Rasal has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect.

I can smell your brains. Danny has just appeared.

Your last chance at Wolfyn has just vanished.

I don't hate... I just retaliate Xyli has just arrived.

Its not my fault you suck. Cen is here.

I didn't sell out, I bought in. Synch has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect.

Leave a message after the @#*$ Mysteryman has just arrived.


Priscilla apologizes. He was talking on a higher plane for a moment.
"You were contacting the dead?", asks Mysteryman.
"No, I was TBing.", says Priscilla.

Yawning, a player wakes up to see this…
Your comm unit relays a message from Srgasman, "mornin all."
Your comm unit relays a message from Cen, "Thems fightin words!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Srgasman, ":::pulls out the brass knucks::::oh yeah? well mornin Cen!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cen, "::grabs his bat:: Good morning to you too!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Srgasman, "::::fingers the hunting knife::::: how's things?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cen, "::cleans the barrel of his M-16:: Just fine, how art things in your part?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Srgasman, "::::unholsters the automag:::: BLAM!! BLAM! BLAM! " uh fine...ya got a bandaid?""
Your comm unit relays a message from Cen, "::with his last breath pushes the button:: Well good day to you, hope you got some sunblock 4 million."
Your comm unit relays a message from Srgasman, ":::::wiggles his remaing toes:::: See ya Cen..."

Your comm unit relays a message from Ron, "When I was a lad I served a term as an office boy in an attorney's firm."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ron, "I cleaned the windows and i washed the floors and i polished up the handle on the big brass door."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ron, "I polished up that handle so carefully that now I am the ruler of the Queen's Navee."
Your comm unit relays a message from Danny, "I don't need to hear about you polishing the handle...ugh...go away."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ron, "you go away...you don't have the market on stupid and meaningless xt'"


>ex memphisdave
He is wearing a black armani....Hospital Gown?....you can't help but wonder....when did they start making those?


>ex lobo's ship
A white 3004 Model Winnebago Class Imperial ship with a sign hanging over the entrance portal..."IF THIS SHIPS A ROCK'IN DON'T COME A KNOCK'IN!" - Lobo

>ex justadawg's ship
Metallic blue with a pearly hue, a large gnawed bone on each side with writing airbrushed in crimson under it reading "Bite This!"


On walking into a trading exchange, one finds this:

Logging your every move Harley is here.

+++ The display shows new prices for Tools +++
+++ Exchange buys at 588 IG/ton +++

+++ The display shows new prices for Synths +++
+++ Exchange buys at 940 IG/ton +++

+++ The display shows new prices for Droids +++
+++ Exchange sells at 894 IG/ton +++ 999 tons available +++
+++ Exchange buys at 10 IG/ton +++

+++ The display shows new prices for Anti-Matter +++
+++ Exchange buys at 591 IG/ton +++

Must be a pretty long log!

If you have nominations for the Quote, Mood, Post, Clothes, Act, or anything else of the Week, send them to