Whether your ship sustained damage by fight or flight, it's not good practice to fly around in a ship that isn't up to snuff. Damaged engines use more fuel, which will be a constant drain on your finances, and if there's a chance you'll get into another ruction, well you don't want to have shields or a computer that aren't as good as they can get.

So you need to repair your beaten up ship by taking it to a repair yard. Swift-Fix Ship Repairs on Earth is just northeast of the LP, there are other facilities on Mars and Mercury. and out of Sol planets may have yards of their own if the POs have provided them.

The command to repair your ship is ‘REPAIR SHIP’. This fixes up everything that is wrong with it. If you are short of cash, the repair droids will carry out the work anyway and you will end up overdrawn.

If you want to know how much it’s going to cost you before you commit yourself, then get an estimate with ‘REPAIR SHIP ESTIMATE’. Bear in mind that the ship repairs use raw materials purchased from the exchange so the price will vary from planet to planet – it pays to shop around, unless your damage is so severe you can’t make it to another planet without your ship disintegrating around your ears (or equivalent). If the planet’s stockpile doesn’t have a commodity needed for repairs then it will be sourced from a private buyer and will be more expensive.

There may be differences between the actual cost and the estimated cost of the repairs due to fluctuating exchange prices. The shorter the period between the call for an estimate and the request to repair, the less likely there is to be a significant change.

Thanks to the Galactic Administration’s programme called the OutSystem Business Development Subsidy, the repair will be cheaper if your ship is registered to the planet on which you are getting the repairs done. There is also a discount if the planet happens to be in a non-Sol cartel.

You can’t repair sensors and jammers – if they get shot up they need to be replaced.

You can't repair bits of your ship and leave other bits damaged - the entire thing gets repaired. It's not economical to repair odd components, because the whole ship has to be opened up to get at them, so you might as well fix everything that needs it in one go. Besides, insurers refuse to insure partially repaired ships - apparently they have worries about compatibility issues with brand new components interacting with damaged stuff.

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