Buying shares in a business is not something that will make you money right away; it's a long-term strategy. Your reward will come when the business turns into a public company and starts to pay out dividends, and even more so when the company is dissolved upon the owner's ascension to Founder, if you happen to still be a Fin then. But this is also the start of a relationship that should last a long time, as you gain followers who will eventually become members of your cartel. You can see a list of all the businesses in the game with 'DI BUSINESSES'. You can find out who owns shares in a business with the command 'DISPLAY SHARES name' - 'name' can be a business, company or CEO name. A business with a reputation for doing well is likely to have more shares owned by individuals than by the broker.

You can get basic information about businesses that you might want to invest in with 'DI BUSINESS businessname' but before you try to buy any shares you should talk to the owner of the business to find out if your bid for shares is going to be welcome, and what kind of price she thinks is reasonable. Then you can put in a bid. The command is 'BID amount SHARES AT shareprice IN businessname', for example, 'bid 200 shares at 10000 in Newbod Enterprises'. There's a minimum of 150 on the number of shares you can bid for, and a maximum of 1,000. Also, you are subject to the limit of 35,000 shares in total in your portfolio, and if your bid would take you over that amount then it won't go through. In addition, the value of your bid cannot exceed 50% of the value of the owner's stake - ie, the total money she has paid for her shares.

If your bid is accepted, the shares will be added to your portfolio. You can't sell shares in businesses until they convert into public companies.

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