As you trundle around Federation DataSpace, generally having a wild and wacky time, your stamina is going to dwindle. Typing 'SC' brings up your score display so you can check your current stamina.

To replace lost stamina you eat or drink something. The usual method is to visit one of the Galaxy's many bars and restaurants, and buy yourself something to eat. 'BUY FOOD' gets you a meal which replaces 5 stamina, at a cost of 10 groats.

The more sociable option is to 'BUY ROUND', which buys a round of drinks for everyone in the bar (including you) and 'BUY PIZZA' which, as you can probably guess, provides a pizza for you and your buddies. A round costs 5 groats per person, and replaces 2 stamina. Pizzas cost 10 groats per person, and replace 5 stamina.

There is somewhere on every planet selling refreshments, but most of them are dull places, either full of boring people talking about prostate operations, or totally deserted. Only one bar is worth visiting; only one place is guaranteed not to water the beer. That is the legendary bar that is the Social Centre of the Solar System - Chez Diesel on Mars, as recommended by all travel guides and the InterGalactic press, and which, following extensive research, the Idiot's Guide feels it can whole-heartedly recommend.

After all, there is a lot more to Fed than just dashing around making loadsagroats! Making friends, chatting, forming (or destroying) alliances and taking part in wild bacchanalian parties are not only jolly good fun but will stand you in good stead for the times when you will need help to advance.

Everyone drinks in Chez Diesel, and the Idiot's Guide recommends that it is one of the first places you visit after you have bought your ship. There are directions to the Social Centre of the Solar System later in this Guide.

The best way to make friends and influence people is to buy them a drink. In our not-at-all-humble opinion, 'BUY ROUND' is THE most important command in the whole game. If you are not satisfied with the house beverage, you can be more specific when you buy drinks for people. 'BUY ROUND a large glass of Jack Daniels' will buy everyone in the bar a large glass of JD! Pizzas can also be customised with the topping of your choice - the command works in the same way as buying a round.

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