Federation has staff whose purpose is to help new players get started and keep an eye on the game. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you're stuck or confused - but don't expect them to give you answers to game puzzles!

While you are in Federation, you are subject to the Federation Game Rules. You can read them on our web site at We expect our players to behave in a mature, adult fashion, and anyone who is disruptive will be asked to leave. The staff have a responsibility to keep order in the game and if they ask you to stop doing something, then you should stop! You can see a list of the staff members who are currently in the game by typing 'STAFF' and see a complete list of all the Fed staff on our web site at

You can ask for help by typing 'CALL STAFF' - this alerts any staff who are in the game that you have a question or a problem. It also tells the staff where you are in the game. One of the staff members will then contact you to offer help.

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