Congratulations, Commander Newbod! You are now the master of a shiny new ship, and incidentally you have earned your first promotion - you are a GroundHog no longer. Presumably you will want to start cruising the spaceways, boldly going where no Newbod has gone before.

Head for the shuttle landing pad in the spaceport, and get into your shuttle using 'BOARD SHUTTLE' or 'BOARD' for short. The shuttle will shuttle you into orbit and connect to the mothership, and you will be ready to fly off into the Interplanetary Wastes. The same command reverses the procedure, landing you on whatever planet you are orbiting around.

To move in space you use the compass directions, just as you do on the ground (North is regarded as being towards the Galactic North Pole, wherever that might be). The other movement directions - 'U', 'D', 'IN' and 'OUT' - may also work in certain areas of space; for example, you use 'IN' to enter the asteroid belt.

Judicious use of bribery can save you wear and tear on your fingers - for the cost of 1 slithy you can install an upgrade to your navigational computer that will allow you to move automatically between planets using the command 'GOTO planetname'. Visit Arnie's Surplus Store on the Moon to get the upgrade, which lasts until you sell your ship.

Your first foray into the Interplanetary Wastes should take you to Mars - W, NW from Earth - where you can visit the legendary Chez Diesel (SC of the SS) and buy a drink for the regulars.

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