Ringworld Engineering
On the wall are various certificates testifying that the proprietors are variously 'Accredited Dyson Sphere Constructors', 'Five Star Ship Repairers', and 'Planetary Engineering Consultants'.

Many of Larry Niven's books are set in the same universe, which he calls Known Space. Ringworld tells of a strange, artificially created world in the shape of a ring (a bit like a doughnut) and how an unlikely team of two humans and two aliens go on an expedition to explore the Ringworld. They meet many strange characters and have some very odd adventures!

I have mixed feelings about Ringworld. It's a classic, certainly, and the idea of the world shaped like a ring is certainly intriguing; but the main characters (the human ones, anyway) are a little unbelievable. Still, it's a good read.


There are two sequels to Ringworld; The Ringworld Engineers advances the story and also deals with a few technical flaws in the original book. It's more of the same, and enjoyable.

The Ringworld Engineers

I haven't read the third Ringworld book so can't make any comments:

The Ringworld Throne

For details of books Larry Niven has written in collaboration with Jerry Pournelle, see the information about the Mote Shipyards.

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