Checks the text a player types in when talking to a mobile; if any part of her text matches the word or phrase specified, sends one or more paragraphs from the message file, or calls an event.

ID/Name - the ID or name of the mobile.
Phrase - the word or phrase to search for.
Low - The first paragraph number from the message file you want to send.
High - The last paragraph number you want to send.
Event - the number of the event to call if the phrase does appear in the player's text.

match script: id/name diesel_st: phrase hello: low objects.diesel.1
match script: id/name diesel_st: phrase meaning of life: event objects.diesel.1

If you just want to call an event, leave the low and high message parameters blank; if you just want to send text from the message file, leave the event parameter blank.

This script is one of the few that will stop an event dead in its tracks. Usually all scripts in an event are executed, one after another; however, when the game finds a match it will stop and not check any more of the scripts in the event.

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