Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 2, 2006

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Several planet owners have requested custom objects on their planets, and are in the "discussion" phase of the process, where Freya works with them to come up with a proposal to be implemented by me - Hazed. The reason this discussion is needed is because objects are something new in Fed II and players don't necessarily know what is possible, so don't know what to ask for.

There are relatively few objects in the Solar System, and most of them are role-playing objects - that is, they are intended to be fun things to play around with. They can give you some ideas of things you might want on your planet, but so much more can be done.

Coming up with ideas for objects in Fed II requires a couple of things: a good imagination, and a knowledge of how objects work in the game. While nothing we can do can give you a good imagination if you don't already have one, we can teach you the basics of how objects work. So over the next few weeks, I will be writing some articles about different aspects of objects.

If you are a refugee from one of the previous versions of Fed, then since you started to play Fed II you may have heard the phrase "It's not like classic Fed". We use that phrase a lot about all aspects of the game, to remind old players that they can't assume that things still work in the way they are familiar with. Well, it applies to objects too. So just as you had to learn all about Akaturi jobs as an Adventurer, and futures contracts as a Trader, you have to learn how objects are different in this version of the game.

The articles will kick off next week with an explanation of the different ways there are that players can get hold of an object.

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