Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 21, 2006

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Saturday May 13
by Robius

We had some new players turn out tonight in the form of Jinto, Honoria and Priscilla. Occy came to Magellan as well, but just to support me. I was quite grateful because we all know that I need all the support I can get. After explaining the rules for everyone, I re-explained them to Honoria who wasn't aware that she needed to be on the channel. After that, I gave the first of the three clues:

"It may not be hip to be square but you wouldn't know it from all the fun to be had here and it doesn't even cost one red cent or a nickel to be more precise."

The racers were a bit slow heading out of the gate but after some threatening remarks regarding a starting pistol being needing in the future they took off. The first location was the Entertainment Building on Cube in the Cubit system and the nickel reference was a comment on the service tunnel it takes to get to that location and. Jinto was the first to find this location. Priscilla and Honoria had a little difficulty both found it.

After reaching the checkpoint the players were given the second clue:

"Don't take it for granted that this planet rocks. It may not be very big, but it was a nice restaurant, although the food may be a tad disgusting."

This was the exquisite Peche a la Frog on Pebble in the Granite system. Again Jinto made it to the checkpoint. Priscilla and Honoria found it a bit quicker than the first marker, but were still a few minutes behind Jinto.

All 3 players received the third and final clue which was:

"They probably won't turn into gremlins, but you should probably still never get them wet. And don't worry about the water, I think it's just a mirage."

The final checkpoint was found at Gizmo's on Zandzabar in the Oasis system. Jinto was the first to find this marker as well, followed a little later by Priscilla. Honoria decided to cash it in after a while and returned to Magllan.

Congratulations to Jinto, our winner for this week and to Priscilla for coming in second, as well as Honoria for a very good showing. Thank you to everyone that turned out to race and watch on the channel.

Magellan Cup is a scavenger hunt/race played every other Saturday night (alternating with Feddergories) at 10.00pm eastern. The next race will be held on May 27, so be sure to join me at the starting point 2 east of the Magellan LP.

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