The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 11, 2006

Event Reports - page 4


Tuesday June 6
by Fancy-Fancy

Seven players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's game of Fedpardy, both to play and watch it in person. Icey, Nolepaul, Priscilla, Cinder, Bourbon, Occy, and Ethyrion all showed up. When asked, "What's the prize?", I mentioned fame in the Fed2 Star, and also hinted that there might be a slithy tove prize for tonight's winner. I went over the rules of the game for all our new players, and then revealed the night's categories. They were: Wild Wild W, Number, please, Fed Eateries, and Wall Treatments. They players spun the wheel for the chance to select first, and Nolepaul gained that honor. He selected Fed Eateries for 1 to start the game and we were off.

Priscilla collected the first 6 points of the game by ringing in and correctly responding to the first three answers in the category. Nobody tried the 4-point answer, but Priscilla then found the first Daily Double of the game under the 5 in the category. Deciding to make it worth 3, Priscilla then received the Daily Double answer:

The lights are low, the drinks cool, and the jazz hot here, where the house special is ribs with a side of coleslaw and maple baked beans.

Priscilla couldn't come up with it, but then exclaimed, "Asterix's fave spot!" when I said what it was. With Fed Eateries finished, Priscilla next selected Wild Wild W for 1. Bourbon rang in to grab that one, as well as the 2 point answer in the category after Nolepaul missed it. Priscilla collected the 3, Cinder got on the board with the 4, and Nolepaul tried, but missed on the 5. That put Priscilla in the lead at the break with 6, followed by Cinder with 4, Bourbon with 3, and Nolepaul with -7.
As the one trailing, Nolepaul got the first selection of Double Fedpardy, and chose Wall Treatments for 10, hoping to quickly get out of the hole. No one rang in on it to respond, though, and Nolepaul selected an easier one with Number, please for 2. Cinder rang in on it, and after responding, "500 bloody credits" and I reminded him of the phrasing, he got it correctly phrased for the points, which yielded to the following:

> Cinder says, "sorry the anger came back and i forgot to phrase"
Cinder laughs
Fancy says, "You now have the selection."
Priscilla winks, "You should always take your Vitamins A and K, Cinder ;)"
Cinder grins at Priscilla
Fancy snickers.

Cinder went back to Wall Treatments, which Priscilla got for 2, all passed on the 4, and Priscilla missed the 6. Priscilla then found the other Daily Double of the game under the 8, and decided to shoot the works, risking 10 on it. Here was the answer from Wall Treatments:

Real wood panels have been imported from Earth to line the walls of this place, and the room is dotted with marble statues of classical figures.

Priscilla tried, "What is The Magellan museum?", but that was incorrect. (Correct response was Hotel Magnifico.) Number, please was the lone remaining category at that point, and the players took them in escalating value. Priscilla and Bourbon both missed on the 4-pointer, but Bourbon got the points back and more by correctly questioning the 6 pointer. Nolepaul tried for the 8, but missed, and no one else attempted it. Priscilla rang in and got the final answer on the board, for 10 points. That made the scores at the end of Double Fedpardy:

Cinder: 6
Bourbon: 5
Priscilla: -2
Nolepaul: -15

Cinder and Bourbon advanced to Final Fedpardy. They got the chance to bet as many of their points as they each wished on tonight's Final Fedpardy category, which was, Objects and Mobiles. Cinder and Bourbon placed their bets, I gave them the usual reminder to remember to phrase their answers in the form of a question, verified they were all ready, and upon them affirming so, I revealed the answer:

This character does talk, and comes across as an adolescent teenager, and one who will talk about a surprisingly high number of topics.

Bourbon responded with, "Who is Angelfowl?" And while she does talk, she's not a mobile, and was not a correct response. Bourbon lost a 2-point wager on that, leaving him with 3.

That left Cinder. His response was, "i dunno, who is chez diesel" A good guess, but not correct, either. The mobile described was Tracey on Phobos. Cinder's bet was 0 points, so he kept his score at 6, which won tonight's game.

Congratulations to Cinder, winner of this week's Fedpardy championship and... a slithy tove prize! Bourbon took home second place. Join us again on June 20, starting at 10.00pm eastern, for our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY! And don't forget the Fed Phrase Game on June 13, also starting at 10.00pm eastern.

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