The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 23, 2006

Official News - page 1


Earlier in the week, the Galaxy awoke to the shock news that all property on Mars had vanished. Warehouses, factories and depots had just gone - disappeared without trace, as if they had never been there. There was no rubble, the foundations previously dug for the buildings were not left as gaping holes; in fact the ground appeared completely undisturbed. Where had all the infrastructure gone? Had it all been abducted by aliens?

Actually, there was a more mundane, real life explanation.

On Tuesday morning after the reset, Fed2 failed to fire up again, which lead to an outage of several hours while Bella tried to find out what was going wrong. The problem was eventually traced to a corrupted infrastructure file for Mars - that's the file that contains information about the things that have been built on the planet. In order to get the game to fire up again, Bella had to zap that file, which is why all factories, depots and warehouses on the planet were lost.

If you are one of the people who lost property on Mars please mail (put Fed2 Mars losses in the subject line) with details so we can compensate you. Your claim will be looked on far more favorably if you have a capture showing your missing property! And don't forget to give your character name.

We are sorry the explanation turns out to be so boring. Still, maybe it was aliens that corrupted the infrastructure file in the first place...

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