The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 19, 2006

Event Reports - page 3


Tuesday November 14
by Fancy-Fancy, Engineer of Toontown

Four players joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's Fed Phrase Game. Emie, Liakell, Biscanton, and Occy all joined me in Studio 1. Noticing a new player to the game in Biscanton, I went over the rules of the game and how to play it. With the rules explained, I had the players spin to determine the order in which they would take turns. Liakell gained the first position, followed by Biscanton, and then Emie. Then it was game time.

Our first puzzle was 6 word people (4, 5, 8, 2, 3, and 6 letters), with Liakell starting it. Liakell's first spin, however, landed on a Lose a Turn, and Biscanton took over. Biscanton racked up 2150 points, buying a couple vowels along the way, and then hit 1000 on the wheel, but couldn't capitalize with a K missing from the puzzle. Emie took over and added a few consonants, then solved - best world builders in the Galaxy - to take Round 1 for 3350 points.

Our second puzzle was a 4 word thing (11, 4, 2, and 6 letters). Liakell once again got to start it. Liakell added the S, R, and N's for 1800 points before picking an L not in the puzzle. Biscanton uncovered the T's and M before landing on Lose a Turn. Emie took over the puzzle and added, in order, G, C, F, I and A before solving - magnificent view of Saturn - for another 2650 points.

Once again Liakell started a puzzle, the third one tonight. This time it was a 6 word thing (3, 4, 3, 4, 2, and 4 letters). Liakell put together quite a run with her turn, calling T, H, R, S, and then M to pick up a Free Spin. She then bought the E's and placed the D's before picking an N missing from the puzzle. Liakell decided to use her free spin there and continued her turn. She found an F, then bought the O and A's, added a G and L's, but then missed with a W. Biscanton took over the puzzle, spun 150, and added the final consonant in the puzzle, a B, and then solved - the huge red ball of Mars - to take the round, and got the house minimum of 250 points for a solved puzzle.

Tonight's fourth puzzle was 4 word things (4, 3, 7, and 10 letters), and Emie started this one. She spun the wheel, but there were no T's for her. Liakell promptly followed with a Bankrupt, turning the puzzle over to Biscanton. Biscanton started with an N for 300, then hit 750 four times in a row, finding 4 R's, pairs of S's, L's, and D's, buying the A's and E's in between, and then the O's. He then landed on 600 and found two C's, then decided to solve - rare, old musical recordings - for 8250 points!

The category for our fifth and final puzzle tonight was on the menu - 6 words (1, 4, 4, 11, 4, and 8 letters). Emie again got to start this puzzle. Biscanton announced that he had to go and get ready for work, so we said good night to him and Emie proceeded with her turn. Emie found S, R, L, T, C, N, and D for 9400 points. She then bought the A's, O, and I, then spun once more and added the B, before deciding to solve, but misspelled one of the words when attempting to do so. Liakell got the puzzle, and added the last few letters, W, H, V, and Y, leaving only vowels, and then solved correctly - a very well constructed club sandwich - for 1750 points.

That concluded tonight's game, and I tallyed up the final scores. Liakell ended up in third place with that final puzzle's 1750 points. Emie was tonight's runner up with 6000 points. And tonight's big winner was Biscanton, with a total of 8500 points! Congratulations to all.

Join me again on November 28 at 10.00pm eastern for our next exciting Fed Phrase Game. And on November 21, also in Studio 1 beginning at 10.00pm eastern, join me for FEDPARDY!, where I give the answers, and you provide the questions.

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