The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 25, 2007

Official News - page 5


by Hazed

This is a public service announcement from the Fed2 Star, issued by the Galactic Administration and sponspored by a consortium of business interests, including Armstrong Cuthbert, the Galactic Trading Guild, Trumble, Cruikshank & Bone, Jarrow Shipyards and Chez Diesel (the social center of the Solar System).

People of Federation DataSpace. Every day, as you go about your business, earning money by hauling cargo or manufacturing goods, by investing in companies or managing your planet, remember what keeps our great civilization going is the people: you, me, the droid that sweeps the road and the accountant that figures the budget. Fed DataSpace wouldn't be what it is today without the contribution of each and every one of you.

But to keep our civilization great, we need to attract more people: newbods, who will bring their new blood, their new thoughts and ideas, and their enthusiasm, into the mix to revitalize the spirit of the Federation.

The best way to ensure a steady stream of new visitors to Fed DataSpace is to ensure that we hold a high position on The Mud Connector's rankings of the best games - and that means you need to vote, every day.

TMC is the leading web site about multi-player games. It lists all of the games available on the web so that people wanting to find a new game to play can read about what's available. But there are thousands upon thousands of text games, so TMC has a chart which lists the games in order of their popularity, as determined by player votes. The site lets you cast one vote each day, and votes older than 30 days old are discarded - so you need to keep on voting every single day to make sure your votes stick. If you start voting now and vote every day, that means that in a month's time you will have added 30 votes to our total.

Those who do already vote for Fed2 - thank you! Please continue to do so on a daily basis. If you don't - then start now, and make it a habit to go and vote every single day.

Vote for Fed2 by going to The Mud Connector's voting page at then click the button to cast your vote.

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