The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 13, 2007

Event Reports - page 1


by Catspaws

I have been hosting Cryptograms since its onset because, well, because it was my idea. It's a game I love, because it is my brain child. Over the time I have been hosting it, we have seen some great Cryptograms players, and I have watched others grow to be great (Gwaptiva).

I find, however, that I need to explain that Cryptograms are puzzles to be SOLVED. It's not a guessing game where you can go down a list and keep making guesses until you find the right answers. You have no idea how hard it is to wade through dozens of guesses per puzzle. So to ensure that players are actually solving the puzzles, I am going to be forced to change the rules slightly. Answers can still be sent to me individually, but to do so, you must explain which entry in the puzzle you are solving. It will not be enough to tell me "Freeze" is one of the answers. You must tell me "The fourth is Freeze" so I know you are actually solving the puzzles and not simply making guesses. This way, I am not being bombarded with guesses, and we can all be having fun.

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