The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 27, 2007

Official News - page 2


by Hazed

You will deal with your second planet in exactly the same way you did the first. It will start out as an agricultural world, and you will build infrastructure until you are ready to advance it to a resource world, and then an industrial one. You will have the same pressures of keeping the populace happy, and the same opportunities to make money.

Your personal rank will be tied to the highest economic level of the planets in your system. You could, if you wanted, keep your original planet at industrial level and advance your new planet to technical and beyond; you'd promote to Technocrat when one of your planets becomes technical.

At higher ranks you will have the opportunity to add even more planets to your system. After Technocrat comes Gengineer, a new rank which doesn't show up on the ranks display yet. At this point you get a biological planet added to your system, to produce all the dangerous bio stuff that is usually kept off populated worlds, for fear of contamination.

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