The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 3, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Nutoid, "to be or not to be that is the alt question"

So just why are there so many alts in Fed DataSpace? Here's some of the possible reasons...

1. So you have somebody to talk to.
2. So you can put someone who likes you on your Friends tab in Fedterm.
3. For those days you are not quite yourself, and need to slip into a personality that is more comfortable.
4. To buy ships on your planet.
5. As a scapegoat to take the blame for the things you do.
6. So you can still play Fed full time while you are waiting for your exchange to refill.
7. To do the Graveyard puzzle again... but this time get it right.
8. To sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
9. To have a Financier that won't charge you slithies to get your shares back.
10. To see what the other sex's bathroom is really like.

Thanks to Zodraz, Cloudbase, Zand and Djentsch for their suggestions.

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