The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: November 11, 2007

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

Poor Cloudbase fell asleep in front of his computer while waiting for it to be time to run Federgories this week, so we discussed ways to make sure that doesn't happen in the future. Here's the ideas the players came up with.

1. Matchsticks propping open his eyelids.
2. A recording of a crying baby piped through headphones.
3. Electric shocks if he nods off.
4. A cold shower.
5. Enlist the aid of somebody who will poke him with a stick if he looks like he is about to fall alseep.
6. A recording of a nagging spouse piped through headphones.
7. A spiky strip in front of his keyboard so every time his head falls the agonizing pain will keep him awake.
8. Use caffeinated water to make his espresso coffee from.
9. Break a limb and don't go to casualty until after the game has run.
10. Do a spynet report on Arlene!

Thanks to Joe, Bourbon, Myda and Zodraz for their ideas, and of course to Cloudbase who was the inspiration for this top ten.

No thanks to Paul:
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Paul, "I'd like to help, but I gotta get to sleep"

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