The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: December 16, 2007

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

Last week, the players came up with suggestions of things that would stop your planet from getting loaded. This week, things you can do that won't cause technical problems, but are still not a good idea...
1. A space maze - why make it easy for players to find your planet?
2. Give every location the same name.
3. Submitting your files without the required chocolate bribe.
4. A one-loc planet with everything in the same place.
5. Hide the LP so that once players walk away from it, they can never find it again.
6. Giving your system a very long name to keep people from stopping by.
7. Writing the planet while drinking.
8. Designing a planet that is so dull, even you wouldn't want to visit it.
9. Making yet another bloody beach world.
10. Don't put any bars on the planet. What a terrible place that would be!

Thanks to Djentsch and Zodraz for their ideas - and for an idea which didn't make the top ten:

Your comm unit crackles with a message from Djentsch, "can't say bad spelling, cause there have been many with that. including mine"

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