The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 13, 2008

Inside Scoop page 2


by Kalandra and Zardoz

Dear Zabby
My alt, Janedoe, is married to Johndoe. But since their wedding, my primary, Eve has fallen for Adam. Adam is an alt of Johndoe but he doesn't know that Eve is my alt. Would it be cheating on Johndoe if Eve started dating Adam? And if it got serious, would it be bigamy if Eve married Adam? Perplexed in Eden.

Dear Eden,
Cheating and alts is an issue that I don't believe has any firm answers. I have always maintained that characters should spell out the rules regarding alts prior to making a commitment. And what rules are "right” for some characters may not work for others. Now this specific situation, I'm going to assume that Janedoe and Johndoe never discussed this issue, and never spelled out the rules. So, in general terms, yes, it would be cheating. But your issue is complicated by Adam being an alt of Johndoe. So, in your case, I'd say you wouldn't be cheating on him, but in his case he would be cheating on you. As bigamy is not addressed in the Idiot's Guide (or the Fed2 Rules), I don't think it would be an issue.

Dear Zabby,
Last night I met the perfect girl. We talked for hours about everything. But one of my female alts met a really neat guy last night. Although I normally wouldn't be interested in this kind of relationship, this guy was just perfect. It was as if we had known each other our entire lives. Which relationship should I pursue? At a Crossroads.

Dear Crossroads,
Check your logs. You were talking to yourself last night. Not a good thing to do. You will go blind if you keep this up.

Dear Zabby
My primary, Hera, is married to Terry. Both of us are Planet owners. I created a Factory Owner alt, Sara, and have kept her identity a secret from Terry. Terry has secret Factory Owner alt, Larry. I know about Larry's identity because Terry's secret Financier alt, Harry, told Sara that Larry was related to both Terry and Harry. Sara has been spending quite a bit of time with Larry, and enjoys his company. But the other day, I was so excited to see Larry sign on, that I sent him a smile from Hera rather than Sara. Now, Terry suspects Hera of cheating and is not spending any time with her, Larry is interested in seeing more of Hera rather than Sara, and Harry is following Sara all around because Larry isn't spending as much time with Sara since he is interested in Hera. I have had to create a new alt, Tara, to talk to Terry, but he was too difficult to find, and then Tara met this really cool new player named Jerry. Should Hera pursue Larry, Sara focus her attentions on Harry instead of Larry, and Tara continue to talk to Jerry, and what should I do about Terry? Perplexed.

Dear Perplexed,
Okay, let me get this straight, your secret alt was seeing his secret alt, which wasn't really a secret, and now your primary is interested in his alt... no wait, his alt is interested in your primary... and... Okay, let me get out my spreadsheet. His primary has two alts, and you have...
Alright, if I have to get out a spreadsheet to figure out what is going on, then there is only one solution here. There is a really good group you and Terry should join. It's called Alta-holic's Anonymous. I think you should start attending some meetings. Soon. Now.

Zabby offers advice to people with alt issues. If you have a question regarding alt issues, send your question to

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