The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 11, 2008

Event Reports page 6


Tuesday May 6
by Fancy-Fancy, Technocrat of Toontown

We got 5 players for tonight's FEDPARDY! Averatec, Angelfowl, Bubba, Racingnut, and Daylin all came to Studio 1 to play, while Beandip watched on the relay channel. Tonight's categories were The Ides of Fed, Roman Mythology in Fed, T-ing Off, and In Uniform. Daylin ended up with the first selection of the game, and selected The Ides of Fed for 2 to start.

Bubba rang in to get that 2 point answer, and followed that up by doing the same with the 1 point answer. Racingnut missed on the 3 pointer, and Angelfowl got it correct. Bubba got the 4 pointer, and Averatec the 5 to finish the category, and started the Roman Mythology category. Bubba beat the others to the buzzer for the 1, 2, and 3 point answers, getting them all, and then found the first Daily Double of the game. As good as he was going, he decided to make it a true Daily Double and wagered all 13 points he had at the time. This was his answer:

This planet is named after the Roman god of agriculture. Perhaps that explains the economy of one of its moons in Fed.

Unfortunately he responded with the name of the moon, Rhea, instead of the planet we were looking for, Saturn, which was the correct response. We finished up the first half with Bubba regaining 5 points after Racingnut and Daylin both tried and missed on Roman Mythology for 5. That put Bubba and Averated in a tie for first at the break, with Angelfowl in third with 3, Daylin with -5, and Racingnut with -8. That meant Racingnut would get first pick in Double Fedpardy, with all remaining answers having their point values doubled.

Racingnut started Double Fedpardy by picking In Uniform for 2. He also got it. Averatec got the 4 point answer next, and with the selection found the other Daily Double. Averatec decided to risk 5 points, and this was its Daily Double answer:

The two traditional armed service branches referred to on Earth.

Averatec responded with "who are the Navy and Army". It got one right (Navy), but not the other (Marines), so the miss dropped its score to 4. It selected In Uniform for 8 next, but nobody attempted that one, and then for 10, and Bubba got it correct. That left the T-ing Off category, and Bubba started it for 2. Racingnut scored the 2 and 4 pointers to get out of the hole. Bubba got the 6 pointer right, and then Racingnut the 8. The 10-pointer proved costly to Racingnut and Daylin, as both responded incorrectly to the finale. And the end of Double Fedpardy, the scores were:

Bubba 21
Averatec 4
Angelfowl 3
Racingnut -2
Daylin -15

Bubba, Averatec, and Angelfowl advanced to Final Fedpardy with the opportunity to bet their points based on the category, which tonight was Hall of Fame. When all Finalists had placed their wagers, I gave some last-minute reminders for Final Fedpardy, and the Finalists indicated they were ready, I revealed tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

The first player to have a factory on every planet of the Solar System.

Angelfowl responded, "Who is.... Gandolf?" But that was incorrect, so it cost her. Three points was her wager, leaving her with zero.
Averatec responded, "who is Fester". That was correct. Averatec doubled its score by wagering all four of its points.
That left us with Bubba, who entered with a big lead. He also got the question right with "who is Fester". Bubba wagered 12 points, raising his total to 33, and making him this week's Fedpardy champion. We also had a slithy tove donated to award to tonight's winner, and I gave that to Bubba as our winner.

Join us again on May 20, beginning at 10.00pm eastern in Studio 1 for our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY! Also join us at the same time and place on May 13 for the Fed Phrase Game.


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