The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 29, 2008

Event Reports page 2


Tuesday June 24
by Fancy-Fancy, Technocrat of Toontown

Three players came to the Studio tonight to take on the wheel and see if they could solve the puzzles. Jewells, Queenmommy, and Ravanheart all showed up to play. I went over the rules for our new players, explaining how this game is like the old Earth TV game show Wheel of Fortune. With how to play explained, we set the playing order, which ended up Ravanheart followed by Queenmommy, followed by Jewells, and started playing.

Our first puzzle tonight was a 3 word thing (8, 11, and 7 letters), and Ravanheart started it off. He found three T's, then three R's to pick up a Free Spin. He filled in an S before landing on Lose a Turn. Ravan decided to use his free spin to continue and went on to add a pair of H's and four N's, then bought the E's and A's. His next spin landed on Bankrupt, though, ending his turn. Queenmommy took over and added a pair of G's, and a pair of M's, then tried to solve. However, she transposed a couple of letters, and was incorrect. Jewells decided to spin, and got a Free Spin with a P, then spun 1000, making it appear she would get 1000 for this round, but instead of calling the C remaining, solved the puzzle instead - strength enhancement program - for the house minimum 250 for a solved puzzle.

The second puzzle was a 4 word title (7, 7, 6, and 9 letters). And we were back to Ravanheart to start the puzzle. He started off by finding 5 S's for 1000 points each, followed by a T for 400 more. He bought the E's and A's, then landed on Free Spin. His call of an H, however, was not in the puzzle, and Queenmommy took over. She found an N, a C, and then no B, turning the puzzle over to Jewells, with a carried over Free Spin. She found a pair of L's, a pair of M's, a pair of G's, and a pair of I's when she bought them, before landing on Lose a Turn. With 2450 points, and the puzzle close to being known, Jewells used her free spin to continue her turn. She landed on 300 and found a pair of P's, which helped her see the second word. With Ravan hoping to get the puzzle again with his 4900 points should Jewells slip, Jewells decided to solve there, and did - Galaxy's supreme gossip columnist - for 3050 points.

Our third puzzle was 3 word things (5, 5, and 5 letters), and once again, Ravanheart was up first to start it. Ravan found an N, S, and R, then tried a T, but there were none. Queenmommy took over and placed a D, then bought the E's. Her next pick was an H not in the puzzle, and Jewells got a crack. She landed on a Free Spin, but was unable to capitalize when there was no G for her. Ravanheart got the puzzle back, and spun 1000, but there was no P for him. Queenmommy couldn't find any J's, Jewells no B's. Ravanheart upon getting the puzzle back again, bought the A's and I's, finishing all the vowels. He tried to solve, saying "weird alien races", but that was not correct. Queenmommy took advantage, placing an L, W, and F. She then solved it correctly - weird alien faces - for 2350 points.

We had time for another puzzle, a 4 word location (3, 2, 5, and 4 letters), and this time Jewells was up next to start it. Her first spin was a Bankrupt, so Ravanheart effectively started it. He spun 500, but there was no T for him. Queenmommy tried C, and Jewells S, both to no avail. Ravan found an N for 400, but no F after that. Queenmommy tried a K, and there was one. She bought the I, then with not enough to buy another vowel, spun and tried V, but there wasn't one. Jewells spun 1000, and found two L's. She then bought the E, and the A's, of which there were four. That was also the last of the vowels in this puzzle, so she spun, but her choice of M was not in the puzzle. Ravanheart got the puzzle back and found two D's for 200 each, an R for 400, and then a B for 500 to complete the puzzle, and then solved it - Abd-al-Kadir Lane - for 1700 points.

That brought us to the end of our allotted time, and I totalled the scores. With that final round, Ravanheart picked up third place with 1700 points. In second with 2350 points was Queenmommy. And tonight's big winner with 3300 points total was Jewells! Congratulations to all three, and thanks to all of them for playing. You can play, too, at our next exciting edition of the Phrase Game, set to take place July 8 at 10.00pm eastern in Studio 1 on the Lattice.

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