The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 28, 2008


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

Freya's quiz of the week
No news isn't good news
A charming man
What you should never do with your planet files
A new FedTerm picture
Real life news: the dangers of being a bad boss
Real life news: NYC cops want your crime photos
Real life news: airbags for the elderly
On the web: ancient science fiction
Geek toy of the week: exact shaving
LHC: the real FAQs

Inside Scoop

Exchanges - a walk-up in the park
Planet hopping review: part two

Event Reports

Meet and Greet earlybird special

Fed Funnies

Top Ten ways to know you're addicted to Fed
...Of the Week

Previous issues

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