The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 5, 2009

Event Reports page 1


Tuesday March 31
by Fancy-Fancy, Technocrat of Toontown

Three players joined me for this week's Fed Phrase Game. Risu, Meteu, and Squeeky came on out to Studio 1 to try their luck with the wheel and the puzzles. As Risu was new to this game, I explained how to play, and then we set the playing order (Risu, then Squeeky, then Meteu), and took at look at the first puzzle. It was a 4 word phrase (7, 1, 8, and 8 letters), with Risu starting it.

Risu started finding a T, followed with a couple H's and an M before trying a W not in the puzzle. Squeeky took over and found an R, two S's, and bought the A's before landing on a Bankrupt. Meteu got a shot at the puzzle and found pairs of C's, G's, and N's, bought a pair of O's, then a single K, before solving - chasing a floating shamrock - for 2250 points.

The second puzzle was a 4 word phrase (9, 4, 6, and 5 letters). Once again, Risu was up first to start the puzzle. Risu spin 150, but couldn't find any M's. Squeeky took over and added letters in threes - three R's, three T's, three E's, and three S's for 5000 total points, before zero N's ended the streak and its turn. Meteu tried an F, but there were none of those. Risu landed on Lose a Turn. Squeeky found an L, bought the A's and O, but couldn't find any P's in the puzzle. Meteu found a C, but no B's. Risu got the puzzle a third time, and this time finished it off, finding a W, H, and pair of I's before solving - decorated with silver stars - for 500 points.

We got right to our third puzzle, a 3 word thing (5, 2, and 5 letters), with Squeeky up first to start this one. The mouse tried an N, but there weren't any, so Meteu got the puzzle. Meteu found a C, H, and R, before buying an E that wasn't in the puzzle. Risu found an F, but no K. Squeeky found a pair of S's, bought the O, and found a P, before buying an I missing from the puzzle. Meteu filled in the last consonant with a G, and then solved the puzzle - patch of grass - for 2200 points.

We had time for another puzzle, 5 word things (4, 4, 4, 2, and 6 letters), with Risu once again up first to start it. He found one T, two N's, three S's, and four O's, a single F, then zero D's. Squeeky took over and found a pair of P's, a pair of R's, an A, an L, and finally a pair of W's, leaving only a vowel, then solved - Rows upon rows of plants - for 3650 points.

We came to the end of our allotted time, and I totalled up the scores. Third place went to Risu, with 500 points. Squeeky captured second place with the 3650 points from the final puzzle. And tonight's big winner, with 4450 points, was Meteu! Congratulations to all three. Join us again on April 14, at 10.00pm eastern, for the next edition of the Fed Phrase Game. And don't forget FEDPARDY! on April 7, same time, in Studio 1.

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