The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 18, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 127888:4011 - Occy: Can clams truly be happy? I mean, they just sit around on the bottom of the ocean all day, they have zero sex life, they eat fish crap...If I were a clam, I'd be pretty friggin' miserable, let me tell you.
Stardate: 127889:6636 - Jake: Then why does the old saying go: "Happy as a clam, six feet deep in mud"? Apparently someone assumed that a clam in mud would be happy, ostensibly because it is precisely in mud where a clam should be. Thus if it is in its proper position, it must be happy. However, unless one has taken a poll of all clams in depths of mud, would we find that clams are happiest at the six foot mark, or would it be perhaps at a deeper or shallower depth? Similarly, would the poll discover that clams don't like mud at all and actually prefer fine sand? I, for one, am not qualified to offer an opinion on the state of happiness of clams, however, I can imagine that being a clam rather shucks.

Stardate: 127895:9351 - Occy: I met the woman of my dreams at the base of Mount Vesuvius. She is the lava my life.-

Stardate: 127903:3872 - Gandolf: Space travel is bunk. - Sir Harold Spencer Jones.Ha! We sure showed him.

Stardate: 127904:6092 - Occy: The intelligent entrepreneur's idea for designing catapults meant that his boss was completely thrown.-

Stardate: 127913:6042 - Occy: The food taster quit his job because he had too much on his plate.-

Stardate: 127920:3117 - Hazed: The scientific name for an animal that doesn't flee from or fight its enemy is lunch.

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