The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 2, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 131678:8036 - Occy: I work in a sweater factory. It's a very clothes-knit community.-
Stardate: 131679:4000 - Dennotairn: My favorite part of working around the cows on the farm was the scent of the Dairy Air.-

Stardate: 131686:9396 - Hazed: If you don't keep up payments to your exorcist, your house may be re-possessed.

Stardate: 131703:8541 - Occy: After dating the goalie on the local team for a while, she realized he was a real keeper.-

Stardate: 131713:2635 - Occy: If a Greek deity tried on your jacket it would be Titan uncomfortable.-
Stardate: 131714:9122 - Zand: Not to mention Helena seams! Hmmm, do you think they would give it Bacchus? Maybe you should just do as the Norse do, just Loki up safely.

Stardate: 131721:8098 - Occy: I just got back from a statistical probability conference. It was average.-
Stardate: 131722:0521 - Zand: Heh, what are the odds?

Stardate: 131729:8410 - Nickknight: Bad spellers of the world untie
Stardate: 131730:4755 - Occy: I've been called a rare commodity. I wonder if that makes me silver or gold? I guess I could be either ore.-
Stardate: 131732:2635 - Zand: Does "commodity" have anythign to do with a "common odity"?
Stardate: 131732:3183 - Nickknight: i think it means that he is just a Comm odity


Your comm unit crackles with a message from Bourbon, "think is kinda funny, a lense fell out of a pair of glasses if I call to see if it can be repaired, will have to tell them I have a screw loose"

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