Fed2 Star - the newsletter for the space trading game Federation 2

The weekly newsletter for Fed2
by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 16, 2013

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Once again, in the absence of any modern funny stuff, we delve into the archives, this week going back to 1998 when the Fed2 Star was published under its former name, the Fed Chronicle...


I spotted this message on the bar board recently:

I am petitioning for Fed to install a new code. One that makes every rank's sex distinguished so there are no more mix-ups about if that person is a man or a woman. Please keep your support with me.

What a fascinating insight into the seedier side of Fed life this is. I couldn't help wondering just what prompted the player to start his or her campaign. One can only assume that he or she had approached someone with a view to engaging in a sexual act, without realizing that the person was not of the sex they actually desired.

If so, one has to wonder why, having made this discovery, one of the couple could not have availed themselves of the very cheap and painless sex change services offered by hospitals throughout the Galaxy. With gender-bending so simple, what does it matter what sex your prospective partner starts out - they can become whatever you want with a mere snip of the surgical scalpel.


Following last week's report of a bar board post requesting different rank names for boys and girls in order to eliminate confusion, Twokook contacted the Fed Chronicle office to admit that it was he who felt the lack of gender identification for all ranks could be a problem.

We asked him for all the gory details of the encounter which had prompted his forlorn post but he very selfishly refused to pass on the details. What about the public's right to know, we asked, but he wasn't having any of it. His private life, he said, was none of our business, and if we persisted then he would talk to his very good friends in the management of the Chronicle and get them to instruct us not to mention his private life ever again.

Later, the subject came up on Channel 1 about just what the different ranks for girls could be called. Someone suggested Tradeswoman, but Hazed pointed out that the male rank was not Tradesman but Trader, so that wouldn't work.

Industrialess was one suggestion, but some of the girls objected to the Less part of the name.

Technocress was decreed too much like something you would put in a salad - mustard and technocress.

Hazed suggested that she had always felt a female Squire should be called a Squirrel.

In the end, nobody could agree, and the conversation turned to something more interesting!

Editrix’s note: of course these days it would be even more difficult because we also have neuter characters, so would need to come up with rank names for them, too. Just too confusing!

If you have nominations for the Quote, Mood, Post, Clothes, Act, or anything else of the Week, send them to fi@ibgames.com.

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