The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: August 27, 2007

Special Bulletin 2


In a case of two steps forward and one step back, after we got the website running yesterday, a problem developed with the DNS (the telephone directory for the internet). That problem has been fixed now, but changes to DNS records take a while to propagate around the net, depending on how often your ISP updates its records, so it may take a day for that to be resolved.


Meanwhile, Alan is working to get Fed2 up and running again and if all goes well he'll have it back later today - or if he runs into problems it'll be tomorrow sometime.

So once your ISP has updated its DNS records you will be able to log back on.

However, when you do, you will find that the old records are not there, and you will need to set up a new account and character from scratch - and make sure you use the same avatar name.


Yes, you're going to be a groundhog when you log into the game, but we will be bumping everyone back up to your old ranks so you haven't lost all of your hard work. See below for details about how that's going to work.


As I am sure you know, we take regular backups of all the files, so in the case of emergencies we can back out to a previous version. In this case, what happened was one of the few things backups can't protect us from - a corrupted file system.

The cause of this corruption is, we think, a knock-on effect from the problems back in June that were caused by the power outage. Alan has been examining the backup files and he feels that it is too dangerous to try to use the ones taken since the outage. If we put those files back in we could end up with the same situation in another few months.

The last reliable backup is as long ago as the beginning of June. It's safer to start from scratch and bump everybody up from groundhog!

We're extremely unhappy that this has happened because we put a lot of effort into our backup strategy. We will be installing extra hardware to cope with this sort of problem from now on.


1) Set up a new account and character with your old character name.

2) Account ID and password do not have to be the same.

3) Once we have our email system set up so that the feedback address is working, I'll tell you what to do next.

Meanwhile, you will be able to log on, and have fun - but please don't promote above Commander, because all my magic promoting tools work from that level!

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