by Samuel R Delaney

Dhalgren is a kaleidoscopic, stream-of-consciousness tale of culture fallen down. A post-apocalyptic view of an average modern day city in which nothing works as it should. The main character wanders around in one sandal encountering reality through what might seem to be a psychotic filter. Dhalgren was the only book I ever read over and over again. And every time I read it, I'd learn something new. It was one of those books that seem to speak to you and for awhile, it was kind of a bible to me.

Judging from the reviews on it is also the type of book people either love or hate. I'd say that if you are a science fiction fan who enjoys the more societal, people oriented type of future story you will love Dhalgren.

Click here for more information on Dhalgren.

Most of my favorite music is the type that hits you in the gut rather than the mind. Music that moves you while it jars your insides is the kind I go for mostly. If I don't find myself hearing the song in my head a day later, then it's not worth anything. Here are 3 of my favorite albums.

Nilsson Schmilsson (CD)
by Harry Nilsson

I'd forgotten how much I'd enjoyed this album until I recently saw "Practical Magic". There is one scene with all four witches (Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman as the nieces ::small drool::, and Stockard Channing and Dianne Wiest as the aunts) "brewing up" some margaritas with the "Coconut" song playing. That song stuck with me for days. Many of the other tracks on "Nilsson Schmilsson" will do that to you too; "Early in the Morning", "Jump into the Fire", there really isn't a mediocre song on the whole album. Nilsson was a great songwriter and combined tongue in cheek lyrics with scores that ranged through ballads, blues rock, or just plain driving rock and roll. Nilsson Schmilsson is the place to start for anyone who enjoys great sounds with a sense of humor.

Click here for more information on Nilsson Schmilsson.

Core (CD)
by Stone Temple Pilots

It was "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana that first attracted me to "grunge" rock. The hard hitting, driving, angry sound of it stayed with me for days. But it was STP's "Plush" that made me have to buy my first grunge CD. "Where the River Goes", "Plush", "Crackerman" all are great songs and though I'm no expert in the genre, this album epitomized the sound for me. The lyrics are dense, and contrived in my opinion, sticking to creating confusing images rather saying something but the music more than makes up for their lack of substance which is a generic critique of the whole grunge thing.

Click here for more information on Core.

Tattoo You (CD)
by The Rolling Stones

Anyone who is into Rock and Roll would have a dilemma when trying to pick favorite albums and keep the number below 100. An equally compelling dilemma is trying to pick a favorite Rolling Stones' album. These guys are so prolific with great sounds and albums picking just one is asking for a fight. But to hell with it, I couldn't write this without including them and besides I don't mind a good argument! I pick "Tattoo You" because it is the only Stone's album where every song on it is one to get you moving. My favorite tracks are "Start Me Up" (of course... " make a poor man cry... you make dead man..."), "Slave", "Worried about You", "Little T&A", "Waiting on a Friend"... god this whole album rocks!

Click here for more information on Tattoo You.

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