Earthdate July 1998



(incorporating Fedciety)

What was in July 1998's Inside Scoop:


by Greta Gagdroid

Hung over from that bar run last night? So sensitive to sunlight that it blinds you even on Castillo? Hearing so acute you swear you never thought the scampering of Marsrats would sound like the thunderous roar of a stampeding herd of buffalo? Well here is a recipe for your throbbing head:

4 oz. Rigellian Brandy
2 oz. Epini or Aqua Rum
1 oz. Blood of Marsrat
1 Egg (preferably Lizard)
2 drops of Tabasco Sauce
1 drop of Whoosh!

Mix all the ingredients together thoroughly in a bowl (of course crack the egg first and dispose of the shell... unless you like to crunch on eggshell! (but crack the eggs gently... have you any idea how loud the sound of breaking eggshells can be?)) until it becomes an unsightly reddish mess. Quaff the resulting concoction while pinching your nose closed.

While this may not exactly cure your hangover, it will certainly take your mind off of it!

by Duchess Poco

So here I am, a happily retired Duchesse (Yes, damnit, with an "e") (Retired too, but more on that later) sifting through my fresh copy of the Spynet Bulletin from the Evening's News. Well, lo and behold, I spot an article by Danny which looks dern familiar. His rantings on modern marriage detail an artform which I helped pioneer. Ye Olde Hit-N-Run Marriage followed by the Express Divorce. (Kinkos now offers this service at its 24-Hour service outlets.) All's well and good I suppose, except I received no royalties on this report. Credit where it's due: Posie the flower duke deserves royalties on the "I hate you" divorce section. Our embittered marriage and trailer-park fallout made the locals more nervous than a rash-prone albino in Chernobyl. I'm ranting here. Good, I can. I'm retired dernit.

Oh yes, the retirement thing. I guess not many folks have heard yet. I'm retired. What this means exactly is debatable. I'm certainly not handing over the reigns of power. I rather like yanking them and watching my POs chomp at the bit. I had a fun time harnessing one the other day. I am, however, appointing a Supreme Magistrate to run the judicial affairs of Weasel, mainly as a set-up stoolie to absorb blowback. The first job of Her Unholiness Satinsheets will be conducting the sham trial of one of our POs. The verdict (beautifully written, I might add) proclaiming said PO guilty of high treason and sundry misdeeds will be read afterwards for a bit of dramatic effect. Head Persecutor NickDanger (Hey, I'm retired... notice TIRED in there. No way I'm giving up Pina Coladas to go slander someone I couldn't give a flip about) seems to find the whole fiasco suitable (More Corrupt than a Barrel-full of Iranian Cleric Judges in a backwater pork-barrel county in Louisiana). This trial being the last major hurdle to my retirement to complete drunkardness, bad taste, and moral corruption in the fullest, I have started moving my personal belongings (Serfs, bonded Squires, intriguing bedside toys, blenders, bartenders, etc...) to my retirement residence on... Earth! What, say you? I'm not retiring on my own planet? Heck no! Who wants to retire where they work? Anyhow, my POs can reach me via comms in my own duchy and I like to keep my comms on...Therefore... Earthwards Ho! Using an ungodly sum of groats from my illicitly obtained hoards, I have purchased a small plot of land on Earth: Mexico. There, I have taken up residence of the seaside town of Mazatlan, where henceforth I will spend my days drinking, socializing, lambasting capitalist swine, and ensuring that all of my POs suffer enough. As for the continuing spread of Communism in the Federation, I continually work to ensure that... A Cuba Libre is never far from reach.

As a form of entertainment, I've taken to giving unscheduled and infrequent newscasts on Channel 9, libeling, slandering, and demeaning suitably any poor sap unfortunate enough to be caught in the crosshairs. (Thank you, Killrwhale.) Perhaps the PBS specials will return as well... Oh yes, who could forget the riveting tale of The Pinstriped Fickle-Finned Kelp Oyster of Outer Namibia... Obviously, quite a few folks.

Oh dear, seems I must go. I just received a disturbing letter. Hopefully this doesn't put a stop to my delightful retirement. ::Sigh::

Well, for now, put this hodge-podge of rant into your pipe and smoke it, newsies.

Befuddledly Yours,


by Danny

Yes, you read that right, roaches in CDs. Here's my investigative report:

Sitting in CDs, I noticed a strange stain on Diesel's bat. Knowing that it is Diesel who wields the bat, I figured it was skin pigment from some poor sap dumb enough to annoy her. But after closer examination I realized that it was the remains of a Martian cockroach.

Now, in case you don't know, Martian cockroaches are about a foot and a half long and are similar in all other ways to the Earth cockroach. The theory is that a normal roach crawled on a hauler's ship back when there were haulers, found its way into the Transuranics room, mutated, bred, and populated the planet. But anyway, what would roaches be doing in the Social Center of Sol?

Donning my reporter hat with the press pass pinned to it, I decided to do some investigative reporting. The first place I went was to Diesel herself. Mistake. I added to the stain on the bat. Apparently she doesn't like people saying that her bar is infested with anything but drunks. So the next logical place to go was a local exterminator shop on Venus, home of some of the largest bugs in the known galaxy. They've got gnats there that eat cows.

Back on topic, I spoke to the owner. He said that there was a chance that the roach didn't come from CDs but may have been hunted in some little-known jungle on the unpopulated side of Mars. This news surprised me, I didn't know there were jungles or unpopulated areas on Mars, so I went back to Diesel and asked her if she was indeed hunting. She replied with a yes. Then I asked when she actually left the bar to go hunting? I took another hit from the bat and a lecture on a little-known bar privacy policy. I did the next best thing; paid ten groats to a workthingie to stake out the jungle for a week.

After a week of waiting, I got word from my informant. Diesel would hunt during the weekly maintenance period! The mysterious period where the galaxy would temporarily cease to exist was created to give Diesel, the cleaner, Dr. Fogg, and all the rest of the Sol regulars some time off. Satisfied with my knack for finding out the inside scoop, I went back to CDs. She hit me again with the bat for hiring someone to spy on her...


A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from the name-plate that the teller's name is Paddy Whack. So he says:

'Mr Whack, I'd like to get a loan to buy a bigger ship so that I may go on holiday'.

Paddy Whack looks at the frog in disbelief and asks how much he wants to borrow. The frog says 3 gigs.

The teller asks his name and the frog says his name is Kermit Jagger and that it's ok because he knows the bank manager.

Paddy explains that 3 gigs is a substantial amount of groats and that he would need to secure some collateral against the loan. Paddy asks if he has anything he can use as collateral.

The frog says yes and produces a tiny pink elephant, about half an inch tall. Bright pink and perfectly formed.

Very confused, Paddy explains that he'll have to consult with the manager and disappears into a back office. He finds the manager and says:

'There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow 3 gigs. He wants to use this as collateral.'

He holds up the tiny pink elephant.

'I mean, what the devil is this?'

The bank manager replies:

'It's a knick-knack, Paddy Whack. Give the frog a loan, his old man's a Rolling Stone.


Passages from the journal of John D. Newbie, caught in a DD world labyrinth.

Day 1
They promised me a 2.4 gig lotto, then they locked the gate behind me. The LP was exit-only and I couldn't even travel out because I gave my only 2 megs to the psychopath who trapped me here. So now I'm stuck here, only 128 groats in my pocket, looking for the way out. He said there was a way out and anyone who could get off the planet would get their money back. But at least I wasn't alone, there were three people with me in similar situations, broke and stuck. So we, together, set off to find our way out.

Day 3
After hiking the vast and expansive landscape for a day, some began to give up hope. People who fell into the trap and left before us joined our party. We had our first two casualties, one who stepped into a death location and another who took his own life shortly after out of insanity. The rest of us set out, leaving the two behind.

Day 8
The more people we catch up with, the more lose their minds. Some have given up and tried to go back to our original location to plead with the PO to free them, only to find that they can't go back... if we turn around we're instantly killed by some "natural" phenomenon. I hold true in the thought that eventually, if we keep going, we'll find the way out, someone with enough money to pay our luxury liner fares, or someone wise enough to give us the solution.

Day 19
We're all getting tired. Our group, at one time consisting of over 30 people, has fallen to the single-digits. More and more are giving up. More and more are losing their minds. I'm starting to wonder if eventually I'll be alone.

Day 22
I'm alone. They've all left me. All I have to comfort me are the sounds of the surroundings and the thought that eventually I'll find the way out. The way out can't be far now, I know it. Even though this looks just like a place I've been two days ago, I know it can't be the same. As long as I keep my sanity, I should be OK.

Day 39
The voices say I'll make it. All the little voices in my head. They all say I'll be safe and sound with the bunnies and the little men. I like bunnies. One day me and George'll move out to the country and live off the fatta the land, and I'll tend the rabbits...

Day 77
All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy. All work and no play makes John a dull boy...

Day 122
Today I found something wonderful. It's... it's... another living soul! A wise man, a very wise man. He says that if I sit, if I sit with him for a while we'll think of a solution. I'll be home very, very soon. Very soon indeed.

Day 135
He figured it out! The solution that's escaped me for all this time! It's so simple, of course I never thought of it! Turn on my comm unit and ask the wise, wise men on channel 9! Now where did I put that thing?

Day 146
I found it today. I tuned to 9, and do you know what I heard? The sweetest sound that ever my ears came across, the voice of Danny. And do you know what he said? The wisest thing ever to cross my ears. I took it down so I'd never forget it's wiseness:

Your comm unit crackles with a tight beam message from Danny: "You know, if you sell your ship you get more than 10,000 groats for it, more than enough to travel."

Day 147
He was right, I got a whole meg for my hauler, and now I'm back on Earth. Now how in Sol am I going to get the money for a new ship...