If you examine yourself (type 'EX ME') you will find you have the standard description:

Newbod is dressed in a nondescript grey coverall, like most of the rest of the population.

Dull, isn't it?

So change it! You can customise your appearance and change it as many times as you want, all thanks to the miracle of modern technology that is nano-chameleon clothing. This suit can be reconfigured to change your clothes to anything you please - wherever you are! Sartorial elegance can be yours at the touch of a button; no more hanging around in clothes shops, being measured and fitted in drafty changing rooms. Now you can alter your look on a whim, with no mess, no fuss.

The command is 'CHANGE CLOTHES description' where 'description' is what you want people to see when they examine you. The words you enter are exactly what people will see when they look at you, so you need to include something like 'Newbod is wearing...' or 'You see...' as part of the description. You are limited to 220 characters, but that should be plenty to show off your sartorial elegance.

You can change your clothes anywhere, and the Digital Clothes Management software will charge 10 groats as a licensing fee. The Idiot's Guide recommends that you invest in some decent clothes right away. You will never gain the respect and friendship of other players unless you look trendy!

It wouldn't be any use being able to dress up, if you couldn't look at other players to see what they are wearing, and perhaps criticise their fashion sense. The 'EXAMINE' command does just that - 'EXAMINE playername' shows you the named player's description. 'EXAMINE' can be shortened to 'EX'. To look at yourself, use 'EX ME'. Humming "You're so vain" as you do so is optional.

As if new clothes weren't enough of a fashion statement, you can also decorate yourself with various items. The most prestigious thing to be in possession of is a keyring, which can be obtained with a slithy tove from Gallagher's store on Earth. The basic keyring comes with the key to the Galactic Administration executive washroom, a very prestigious perk. To buy a keyring, the command is - as you would expect - 'BUY KEYRING'.

The keyring is also used to display special trinkets and charms. There is one new charm on sale every month, and special seasonal charms for holidays such as Christmas, Halloween and St Patrick's Day. Each charm is a limited edition item, available for short periods only and never repeated. Buy a charm with 'BUY item' where 'item' is the charm you want to buy. Charms are put into your inventory when you buy them, so long as you are not carrying too much! You can attach one of your charms to your keyring with 'CLIP objectname' - for example, 'clip rose charm'. In fact you can clip any object to your keyring, not just charms. The keyring will only hold one item at a time, so clipping something else will remove the first item. To remove the item without replacing it with a new one, use 'UNCLIP'.

When someone examines you, they will see your keyring and what is attached to it.

There are other ways to show off the objects in your inventory so other players can see them: you can wear or carry any object. The command 'WEAR objectname' is intended for items of clothing, jewelry or anything else that might adorn your person - although you can wear any object from your inventory if your idea of fashion is strange. You can wear as many things as you want at one time. Remove items with 'DOFF objectname'.

If you want to show something off without trying to start a new fashion trend, you can carry it, with 'CARRY objectname'. This has no actual effect on what you can do with an object or how you use it - it's simply a way to show it off. Once again, you can carry as many things as you want, no matter how many hands (or equivalent) you have. To put something away again and stop carrying it, you 'POCKET objectname'.

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