There are game commands that are specific to the location, or type of location, you happen to be in. For example, in a bar you can buy rounds for your friends; in the shipyard you can buy a ship; in the offices of Armstrong Cuthbert you can get jobs; and so on. The name of the location may tell you what you can do there, or you may find out by reading the description carefully.

Sometimes a location will offer you a way to move to another part of a map without walking - for example, on Earth there is a monorail linking various parts of the planets, and on Venus a shuttle giving access to the mines. Many planets also have elevators linking different levels.

You will also find some areas on planets which you cannot just walk into. You may need to do something specific before you can proceed, such as press a button to make an elevator move or press a touchpad to open an airlock.

Some areas of the game cannot be entered without first solving a puzzle, or being in possession of a particular item (such as the key to the executive washroom), and some you won't be able to enter until you are at a higher rank.

One thing you can do in all locations is type 'SEARCH', which gives the room a thorough going over looking for anything hidden. However, searching uses up energy - 10 stamina when you're on a planet, or 10 fuel in space - so it's not something you should do unless you have reason to believe there may be something secret to find. Taking the brute force approach and searching every single room just in case is not going to be practical!

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