To become a Gengineer, you need to increase the infrastructure on your technological planet to a certain level (see the next section for how builds work) and then type 'PROMOTE' when you are situated on that planet. After that, things do not work the same as the other planet owner promotions.

You will promote to the new rank right away, instead of having to wait until the next reset. Your techno planet will not advance; it will remain at that economic level.

At any time after you promote to Gengineer, you can have a new world added to your system, which will have a biological economy. Although you can then build up the infrastructure of your bio world, it will never advance - its economy will always stay at biological level. Meanwhile, you can continue to build on your techno planet until you have enough builds for promotion to Magnate; at which, the economy will jump to leisure.

Another difference is that bio planets do not suffer from disaffection because the workthings are largely made up of robots, which don't get unhappy. Of course, they will be missing many of the infrastructure that is needed for a high-level planet so will be less efficient than they should be, and have fewer workthings, until you carry out the necessary builds.

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