Once you leave Sol cartel and join a player-owned cartel, you have two alternative ways of shifting goods out of one of your exchanges - you can post jobs onto the cartel's workboard to be delivered by a Poor Person, and you can offer jobs directly to haulers.

Posting Jobs on the Cartel's Workboard

When you post a job onto the workboard or your cartel, the job is generated from the exchange of the planet you are standing on, so long as you own that planet, and can be set up to deliver to one of the other planets in your star system or to any other planet in the cartel. The command is 'POST JOB commodity planetname' where 'commodity' is the trading commodity you want to shift, and 'planetname' is the name of the destination planet.

The job will be posted onto the workboard as a 75 ton job. The goods will be taken out of your stockpile at the time the job is created, and held in storage ready for the hauler to pick them up; the hauling cost is also taken right away and kept by Armstrong Cuthbert until the job is delivered, at which point it will be paid to the hauler.

When the job is delivered, the goods are sold to the destination planet's exchange and the proceeds taken out of that planet's treasury and paid to your planet. The cargo will be added to the destination's planet's stockpile assuming the exchange is buying the commodity; otherwise the goods will be sold to a private buyer at a heavily discounted rate. So don't send jobs to another star system without checking whether the planet needs them!

You can't post a job on the board if there are already 40 jobs on the workboard, but any jobs not taken by haulers will expire after a few minutes, thus freeing up space for your job. If your jobs don't get snapped up by other players, they too will expire - the goods will be delivered by Armstrong Cuthbert's robotic trading ships.

Haulers can't void your jobs but that doesn't mean your cargo is completely safe... jobs on the board are not preserved over the reset, so any that are posted on the board but haven't been delivered will vanish, the cargo being appropriated by the stevedores (they consider it one of the perks of the profession) and if a cargo is in a hauler's hold over the reset, the paperwork that credits you as the owner of the goods mysteriously vanishes and the job reverts to being an ordinary job.

Offering Jobs Directly to Haulers

You can bypass the cartel's workboard and offer your jobs directly to a named player. The recipient of the job must be a Commander or Captain.

The command is 'OFFER playername JOB commodity planetname', where 'playername' is the poor person you want to give the job to, 'commodity' is the goods you want to shift, and 'planetname' is the destination planet, which must be in the same cartel.

The job becomes a pending job for the hauler, until they either accept or reject it. You can't offer a job to a player who already has a pending job. Should they accept it, you will be notified when the cargo is delivered. But be warned: the hauler can choose to reject your offer, in which case you lose the goods, so don't offer jobs to players without prior arrangement. And don't forget to check that the hauler can leave Sol before you offer the job!

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