As you progress in Fed you will want to keep track of how well (or how badly!) you are getting on. You can check on your personal score, or your ship's status.

Typing 'SCORE' or 'SC' brings up your personal details:

Commander Newbod
Gender: Male Race: Human
Bank Balance: 12929 Games played: 5
1 slithy tove
Loan: 199919ig Hauling Credits: 2
Strength max: 35 current: 35
Stamina max: 35 current: 35
Dexterity max: 35 current: 35
Intelligence max: 35 current: 35
Insured against one (1) death in Fed 2 DataSpace.
Owner of a Panama registered, Harrier class ship
You are currently on Earth in the Sol system

This shows you how much money you have, your outstanding loan, the number of hauling credits you have amassed and your stats, and whether you are insured, among other things.

Keep an eye on your stamina, because it reduces as you trundle around, not to mention you may do other things that cause it to plummet, so you will need to visit Chez Diesel (SC of the SS) frequently and 'BUY ROUND'.

To find out your ship's status, type 'STATUS' or 'ST'.

Status report for your Harrier class spaceship
Registered in Panama
Hull strength: 15/15
Shields: 0/0
Engines: 40/40
Level: 1/1
Sensors: 0
Jammers: 2
Cargo space: 75/75
Fuel: 64/80
Weapons installed:
You don't currently have a shipping contract.

This shows you both the current level and the maximum level of your equipment. The one to watch is your fuel, which reduces as you fly your ship, and your cargo space, which determines the size of the load you can carry.

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