However carefully you choose the distribution of your personal statistics when setting up your character, you can guarantee that you will later come to regret it. Do not despair! Illicit operatives situated in various places in Sol offer clandestine services which allow you to add extra points to each of your characteristics. Of course, if you feel you are practically perfect in every way, you will have no interest in this, but otherwise, each stat point costs 1 slithy tove, and the command to use is 'BUY statname' where 'statname' is the stat that you want to improve - stamina, strength, dexterity or intelligence. There is a limit of 150 on each stat, and you can only receive one stat boosting treatment each day.

Admittedly, right now there is little use for having high levels of any of the stats except for stamina - but that could change in the future!

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