The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 21, 2010

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

The players are continuing to put together top tens for me, and this week they picked a topic which I don't approve of - the top ten ways to take over Fed DataSpace. I am sure none of these will work...
10. Use the "Cheat" command - it may work the way you think one day.
9. Create a Deathstar do to the deed.
8. Buy a "How to Book" from Ming the Merciless.
7. Switch comm units with Hazed, then you would have all her demi-goddess powers.
6. Bribe Bella and Freya with fine vintage wines and aged cheeses.
5. Tell Brain, Pinky and Squeeky they really create it all, and watch as they try to take it back.
4. Clone an alt named Bellaa and take over Fed2.
3. Start Fed3 and tell everybody that its better than Fed2.
2. Convince Djentsch that Bella, Freya and Hazed are impersonators and give him a I-Beam rail gun.
And the number one way to take over Fed DataSpace is...
1. Threaten to have Arlene run nekked across the channel - every one runs and leaves everything behind.

Thanks to Nomad for compiling the top ten, and Anthony, Brutus, Cragon, Occy, Otamusima and Squeeky for their suggestions.

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