Earthdate June 1998



(incorporating Fedciety)

What was in June 1998's Inside Scoop:


by Danny

I was sitting in CDs, as I usually am, and I began to feel sick. I didn't know what I had caught, but I knew it must have come from Diesel (she seems to catch everything). So, after waiting about 30 seconds to get better, I want out to seek expert medical treatment. With two gigs in my pocket I figured I could get great medical care.

Most POs would first go to their own hospital, but I didn't. They have horrible bedside manner there, unless you're dead. So I went out in search of a top quality doctor. First I went to the Earth hospital. When I got there and found my way to the center of the labyrinth, I asked to see the best doctor in the building. I got the most moronic man I'd ever seen before that point. The first thing he told me was that I was sick, the second thing he did was to ask why I was there. I explained to him that he answered his own question and he ran some tests on me. Some is the wrong word. He ran over 750 thousand. He took out more blood than I knew I had. And his conclusion: I was sick. But at least he figured out what I was sick of, the Martian Death Flu, a rare disease that affects people on Mars. He also told me that there was no way to treat it... unless I had directions to an obscure asteroid with the most advanced medical facility in the galaxy and a lot of cash. Of course I got directions and landed in front of a gigantic hospital building, pockets bulging.

When I entered the hospital I found the secretary and asked to see the best doctor in the place. The next appointment was about 13 years after the sun went up like a death star, It was easy to get someone bumped by threatening to cough on her though. The doctor, who was obviously a genius, also told me I was sick but explained to me what the cheapest treatment was. All I needed to do was take a small pill. So, desperate, I took the 1.3 billion-groat pill, and immediately found myself in the revival ward of the Earth hospital surrounded by insurance agents. Wanting to know what had just happened, I want to see Dr. Jack Kavorkian MCMXIVIII again. He told me that he had given me a concentrated form of a substance called "InstaDeath". I couldn't complain because at least I was cured. Broke, but cured.


Upon arriving in my office one day, I found an envelope on my desk reading "Urgent – I need help". Being the curious News editor that I am, I ripped it open to find the following letter inclosed:

Dear Editor:

I had no idea who to contact about a very strange event that took place in Federation on 5/26/97 or whatever stardate that equates to.

I was zipping along happily trying to build up trader credits, when I was summoned to a planet in Sol. Being the adventurous sort I went. Upon arriving at the LP on a planet whose name will remain undisclosed, somebody gave me 20 megs and said, "Have a nice day."

I did not even have a chance to express my thanks before - poof - the gift bearer was just gone. Alas, I did not have my logs on yet, so I was unable to trace back through them. I do not know who the vicarious gift bearer was.

I have a great new ship thanks to him or her. The burning question is what did I do to deserve it? I attended a party on Starbase1. I spent most of my time there listening quietly to the conversation of some high ranking Fedders and trying not stare at the gaping hole in TBar's hospital gown. Other than that, I did nothing unusual that day. If the gift was not an act of random kindness, I would like to know what it is I did so I can do it again.


Sending Newsbots out to investigate this phenomonon but it was useless. There were no clues left anywhere. I'm pretty sure they only searched Clueless.

With no information to be found, it was decided to show Moonwisp's letter as a form of thank you to the person responsible for the gift. If there was ulterior motives please contact Uniquette@earthlink.net so that Moonwisp can be informed of her debt to you and begin working off the payments by washing your ship or whatever you have planned.


After exhausting efforts to locate the Planet Owner charged with handing out free groats and making poor Moonwisp fret that she may have forgotten what happened at the party after too many drinks, we are proud to announce we have found him! Yes, that's right, folks. Our NewsBots did their job.

Dressing our undercover Bots in flimsy dresses and sexy outfits, we stationed them on random planets throughout the universe. The Bots were oblivious to the fact that their appendages were attached in the wrong places for such outfits and we had hoped that the PO in question would be blind enough to not notice. After a full week of surveillance on these planets, we finally got the break we were hoping for. He sent me a letter.

Moonwisp will be happy to know that she did not receive the groats from the after party frolics she may have forgotten, but that it was a random act of kindness from Squire Aarron after all. Aarron notes in his letter that the universe would be a much better place if more would take a moment from their hauling to do something nice for another.

Pictures of our alluring NewsBots will be on sale, soon, at a bookstand near you.

by Danny

Marriages in DataSpace today are widespread and common, normal and casual to us, but they contrast to the marriage rituals of mid and late 20th century Earth. If you paid attention in your Earth History class in high school you know what I'm talking about, but since it was one big nap to you I'll take it upon myself to explain.

Marriage was developed as a religious bonding long, long ago. It only occurred when two people were completely devoted to each other, and it could not be broken under any circumstances. That's why so many ancient kings killed so many ancient queens. Then a new concept was developed. Divorce; the termination of marriage. That was a huge leap toward the marital philosophy of today. Eventually divorce became more accepted until the late 20th to the early 21st century when it evolved more like today's. In the late 20th century people could get married, take holy vows, then divorce a month later. Here, to help you understand, is a dialogue of the 20th century courtship and wedding of the fictional couple John and Jane:

John: Jane, would you like to go to the movies with me?
Jane: Sorry, washing my hair every night for the rest of my life. Have a nice day!

Two weeks later
Jane: Oh, no! The prom's tomorrow and I have no date! Whatever will I do?
[phone rings]
Jane: Hello?
John: Uh...Jane...do you wanna go to the...
Jane: Yeah! Woo hoo!

Five years later
John: It's great that we've been going out for five years. Will you marry me?
Jane: Yes!

One month later
John: Since it's been a month, let's set a date.
Jane: Well, I don't wanna rush anything...

Seventeen years later
Priest: John, will you take Jane blah blah blah holy stuff for as long as you shall live?
John: I do.
Priest: Jane, will you (same thing as John's) as long as you both shall live?
Jane: I do.
Priest: Then I proclaim you man and wife!

Five years later
Jane: John, I think we're wrong for each other. You killed two of our seven children and you've been arrested five times since you started drinking heavily.
John: So?
Jane: I'm leaving you! Here are the divorce papers.
John: Okie dokie.

Now here's the same marriage ritual, for the same two people, but in Chez Diesel in present stardate.

John: Heh there, groovy chick.
Jane: Wow, what a cheesy pick up line. Wanna get hitched?
John: 'Kay
Jane: Heh, random guy off the street!
Random Guy Off the Street: Yeah?
Jane: Marry us!
Random Guy Off the Street: OK. Do you?
Jane: Yeah.
Random Guy Off the Street: Do you?
John: Me? Yeah, I guess.
Random Guy Off the Street: You're married. The divorce lawyer is next door. Now buy me a beer.
Jane: John, I hate you.
John: I never liked you much anyway.
Jane: I want a divorce! We're no longer married!
John: Okie dokie.

So there you have it. Some may argue that today's is better, some may say the ancient, archaic ritual is superior. But now that you know of the option from the past, you can make an intelligent decision whether to get hitched now or wait through the prime of your life. And you got a free history lesson.

The Entertainment Channel
by Azurldy, Baroness of Azure, Finder of Fascinating Things in Fed

I was just waking up one evening in my bedroom on Azure, when my comm unit came alive on channel nine. Now sometimes channel nine is a hugfest, sometimes an argument, sometimes a running commentary on how to advance your planet, but tonight, it was – entertaining!

Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "Biz---save me!!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, "Hey Red...whatcha need?":)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, "No one can save you, Reduit... ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "I'm in trouble......again......".
Your comm unit relays a message from Kayfive, "LOL - He's beyond Help Biz ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Teran, "Red! LOL what now? hehe".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, "Red ....you mean STILL don’t you??".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "I swear I didn't do it! It was my evil twin!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Kayfive, "Heather asked him "one of those questions" ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, "Uh huh...RIGHT Red:)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, "He's always in trouble... but just now, all he has to do is tell everyone that I don't have a mustache and he'll be fine. :)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "You shaved, Babe?".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " Red!!!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, ":::thwapps Reduit...again!:::".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, ":::whispers "Heath! you know he loves that!!! ".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "Too late, Biz!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, "You know... it's a good thing I love him so much. ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " It's true...only a saint like yourself could put up with him!;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "<<---thinks he may be getting bashed here......".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, ":::grins::: I like that... a saint like me... Yes, I definitely like that. :)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " thought you might girlfriend;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Teran, "Saint Heater? hehehehehehe".
Your comm unit relays a message from Nickdanger, "Saint Heater?".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, ":::hugs Biz... then thwapps Teran::: Shhh! ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Nickdanger, "What's that, the patron saint of furnaces??".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " No no Red....we KNOW you would enjoy that ....we would never do it..;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, ":::grabs staplegun:::: Here, Heather, let me straighten your halo.....".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " ::quickly grabs the staple gun from Red..and uses it to securely tack the Duct tape over his mouth:::::)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "Ouch! The Pain!!......I LIKE IT!!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, ":::pulls out her NEW roll of industrial strength duct tape...::: Hmmm..... ;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "After you tape me up, Heather, pull it off real fast, will ya???? Please!!!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, ":::puts duct tape on Reduit's legs, then pulls it off, as instructed::: <g>".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "Such abuse! More! More!!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Nickdanger, "Thwaps Reduit just to stay in form??? Is this the new Beat Reduit And Lose Unsightly Fat Exercise Program???".
Your comm unit relays a message from Heatherjn, "Thwapping Reduit is MY job!".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "<<<-----is thinking of selling thwapping tickets.....".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " great idea Red...I'll be your agent;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "Usual split, Biz? You get 90 and I get 5?".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, "No no Red...new deal...I get 100...you get none..".
Your comm unit relays a message from Reduit, "At least it will be easier to keep up with that way, Biz.".
Your comm unit relays a message from Bizcarp, " My overhead has gone way up....;)".
Your comm unit relays a message from Nickdanger, "that's why it's called overhead, Biz dear!".

Finally, still laughing hard, I picked myself up off the floor and caught my breath as channel nine slowly got back to "normal".