Earthdate March 1998



(incorporating Fedciety)

What was in March 1998's Inside Scoop:


The Zipper
by Azurldy, Industrialist of Azure, Worrier about Becoming a Technocrat in Zar, Kid at Heart

Right here in my own Duchy of Zar - I recently found something wild and fun to do in Fed! Do you remember those old Amusement Parks on Earth in the twentieth century? On the planet Mtnbrook in Zar, Heatherjn has created an Amusement Park that is really delightful! It will make you remember those old holograms and videos that you saw in history class. You walk down the Pier, and you can jump off the pier if you are brave but foolish. You come to the gate of the Amusement Park and inside, the rides are spectacular! I am going to take you on the Zipper - so I hope that you aren't the type who gets sick!

The Zipper
Some may approach this ride warily. The attendant tries to reassure those with weak nerves by yelling out, "This here be Heatherjn's favorite ride! If she can do it, anyone can!" Why not? You walk up the ramp, waiting your turn to get In the ride. You may also choose to go back, South. Once you go forward, you must finish the ride.


The Zipper
The attendant holds the door as you climb into this oddly shaped car. After he closes the door and secures it, he gives the car a push to set you swinging. "You didn't happen to just eat, did you?" he asks, with a wink, as he turns away. The car you are riding in jerks and starts to swing more. You grasp the handholds in front of you as the ride picks up speed and pulls you Up.


The Zipper
As your car reaches the top of the ride, the bottom of the car swings up, flipping you over. A scream is torn from you as you continue flipping, end over end as the ride pulls your car up over the top and plunges it down the other side. Just when you think that you are going to die, the ride slows and stops. Your reprieve is very brief, however, as the ride reverses direction. Your car rocks wildly as it is pulled back Up, in the opposite direction.


The Zipper
Your knuckles turn white as you hang on for dear life! The car you are riding in flips, and rocks wildly, tossing you back and forth inside. You could loosen up and enjoy the ride, but just then your car flips over the top again. Only, this time it doesn't complete it's rotation. You are thrown against the front of the car, staring at the ground... which is coming at you at an incredible speed! Somewhere behind you, you hear someone's panicked scream. Suddenly, your feet are jerked downward and your car comes to stop at the bottom, rocking wildly in it's berth. You can see the attendant's broad smile as he comes to let you Out of the ride. You can also hear your own scream, still ringing in your ears.

Heather has created a Roller coaster and a Merry-go-Round that you can ride, just like in those old videos and holos. Take a friend and visit Mtnbrook. A shortcut from the LP is out, northwest. But I urge you to explore and enjoy her creation!

The Streak
by Azurldy, Baroness of Azure, Finder of Fabulous Fed Fascinations, Retired Hauler.

Many of you remember when Tycho used to teleport to your loc, and clog dance naked in front of you. Of course, you remember how much you loved it! Well, Tycho has a new routine, and I feel obligated to share with you, since it is fabulous, as was his clog dancing.

Tycho has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect.
Tycho steps out of his teleporter
Tycho strips naked and streaks across the room
You give Tycho a tender hug!
Tycho retrieves his clothing as he steps back into his teleporter
Tycho has just vanished.
tb tycho gotcha;)
There is a brief hum from your communicator.
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Tycho, ":::tickle::: ya got me;)".

I just couldn't resist a hug - I am only human, after all. And yes, Tycho, I loved it!


Upon entering my office this past Monday, I was hit in the face with a horrible stench coming from my desk! I mumbled about the cleaningdroid missing the spices and fruit pizza I left setting there Friday night as I walked to my seat. Once there, I found the odor wasn't coming from the pizza (since it was gone) but from my mail. I threw it all in the trash to dump it, but one caught my eye.

Dear Uni and Hazed,

I could nae help, but to notice that within the news I wuz not labeled with my highly esteemed title. For you who are wondering my illustrious title iz, "The Official Weirdo of Federation". So, if you could find it in your hearts, or whereever else you may find it to call me "Federation's Official Weirdo" I'd be highly glad and honored.

Also, does someone else hold this crown that keeps me from completing my mission of Absolute Idiocy and Confusion? If so, I will ground their brains into a fine margarita type substance and add some pink dye, and slip it into one of Hazed's drinks. If Uni iz the one holding my crown I will simply revive El Senor Reggie and have him give a nice talking to her. Tsk Tsk.

It'z a sad world in Fed when Fed'z most clearly not understood person does not have a wonderful glorious crown of gibberish upon his red clown hair. After all, Who else had the guts to name themselves Yoyo? Do you know how many "Yankin' my string" jokes I get? Hehehe. Anyways, oidjf dfsdf ;uioasdyf sdfjhsadf g NARF! I am glad you understand now, but I still do not see the symbol of absolute power lying within my grasp yet.

I demand to have my title salvaged from the crapper and back into my pocket. If not, the consequences shall be harsh and completely ludicrous.<cacklez>

Your secret lover,
Baron of Tvland
Not yet Official Weirdo of Federation
Voice of Gonzo on the Muppets
Proud Waiter of the Duke Puzzle
Icedrake's Secret Diet
Scaramouche's Hidden Honor
The Illustrious Water to Fireimp's fire.
Used to be Groundhog
Wannabe Navigator
Spawn of Satan and Moses
The one stomping his foot down.
The one who fell down the stairs and now wears a pillow on his rump
Married to Vamprilla (smooch)
Thwapper Of Peggysus
The Best Wannabe in FreeRain
Editor of the National Enquirer and The Sun
Abducted by Aliens
Probed by more aliens
Mutilator of Cows
Cyber Nerd
The one with so many titles you laugh at the mere mention of his actual name


PS. Errrr End!

After pulling this letter out of the crapper, I was stunned on how such a fitting title could be overlooked. I ran to the Imperial Bureau of PITA (Petitions for the Insane Titles Association). After showing this letter to the official in charge at the time, I asked him about Yoyo. His only response to me was 'who-who?'


As more and more men fight for the attentions of the one and only Diesel, they're finding it harder and harder to get close. Feigning a headache, she's been seen turning the men out in droves. One man in an attempt to gain her heart has sworn his undying love to her with a poem:

I think that I shall never see...
a bar as lovely as CD.
Every cranny, table, corner...
makes me more and more adore her.
I see your bat shine in the light...
of the moons this lonely night.
The arcturian plays a gentle tune...
with the rising of the moon.
Your leather one-piece will inspire...
me to crawl through muck and mire.
Just to glimpse your gorgeous face...
in CDs, my favorite place.

Although we're pretty sure this will still not get the guy what he wants, we feel he should be rewarded for his effort. We award Samtrax with the SAPS (Sweet Affectionate Poems Society) Award.


(Editor's note: The following story comes to us via a very convoluted source and as such the editor and staff of the Spynet Bulletin cannot make any assurances as to its complete accuracy. Although if it isn't completely true, the parts that are true are probably much truer than the parts that aren't.)

Sipping an ale in CDs recently, while pondering just how many heads (or equivalent) had been bashed by the leather clad ones bat, a smiling little waif of a merchant sat next to me and bought me another. I thanked him and went back to my pondering for a moment before he interrupted me, 'Hey, have you ever wondered where LanzariK got its capital K?'

I blinked, burped, and then turned my head to look his way. 'Actually, no I haven't', I stated in as disinterested a manner as possible then returned to pondering. This time wondering if Selena had to have help getting out of that suit and thinking about offering my services if so. That made me smile, which the merchant misinterpreted obviously. 'Yes it is rather funny isn't it? So many weird commod names. I mean exactly what is a katydidic anyway?' The little guy leaned forward close enough that I could smell the Colgate on his breath from his last teeth brushing. 'I know how it was done!'

The little man proceeded to tell me how he knew a representative of a friend of Ming's cousin's dog's fourth-owner's roommate's plastic surgeon's cable guy who divulged that the official in charge of naming commodities had been a little bit distracted when he'd finally gotten to naming the current set of exchange commodities. Apparently Ming's grandmother's execution was on the Vidi again, and he wanted to hurry up the job so as not to miss the beginning which was his favorite part. (Apparently an elderly women begging her grandson to spare her life held a certain fascination for him.)

He'd begun picking random letters out of a hat and putting names to the letters and having his scribe write down what he'd picked. As he finished with the last name, Lanzari, he picked up his official seal, coat, and brief case then while preparing to teleport home, stamped his seal on the new names so the scribe could go about putting them into the official computer. Unfortunately he was a little too hasty and the current "Official Slogan for Stamps" ("Killing is Power") came out just a little too far to the left, giving the scribe the impression that the last commod was to be named LanzariK!

After this the little man smiled smugly and downed his ale. After finishing it in a few swallows he wandered over to Diesel and fished around in his pocket while she tapped her hand with her bat. After he'd been taken upstairs I pondered the little man's story. Not very likely to be true, I pondered, but what the heck. The editor won't know, and things have been slow lately. At that I took up my pad and began writing "Sipping an ale in CD's recently while pondering just how many heads (or equivalent) had been bashed..."

by Krose

In the Arena system this week, the population of Starbase1 was rudely awakened to the sound of twin laser fire and other weapons from a guild feud. Apparently many of the firing guild members were severely intoxicated and kept firing on the planet rather than on their opponents.

Officials on Starbase1 report that missiles did heavy damage to the area around the landing pad, and a mag gun shell hit the exchange, throwing commodities all over the place. (The stevedores have nothing to say about all the commodities disappearing.)

Officials also stated that this was the second incident of damage to Starbase1 from irresponsible fighters. Their records show that on Stardate 210624, Arena was completely cut off from Sol due to some captain with a level 1 computer and a TL who decided to take some pot-shots at passers-by at the Interstellar Link. As you can probably guess, he missed the target ship and hit the Interstellar Link, overloading it.

When asked if any new decree was contemplated concerning the use of weapons in and around Starbase1 the officials looked nervous. 'At this time we are exploring all options. His Imperial Majesty's Bureacracy for Safe Fighting is looking into the matter.' After digging a little further this reporter discovered that the officials he'd talked to had been nearly beheaded when they brought their petition to Ming's MBFSF officials. A representative of KOOOW (Keep Out Of Our Weapons), stated that inhabitants of Starbase1 knew the risks of living there when they chose that planet to settle on. They had no right to complain or restrict the use of weapons in and around their planet.

Further statements from the Officials of Starbase1 seem to indicate they are going to attempt to put some sort of planetary shield up.


As the sounds of trumpets heralding the emergence of Beanieworld from Slarti's sounded, officials going over the paperwork discovered that the planet owner of Beanieworld, Journey, owed a Squire tax. The officials couldn't explain why no Squire tax had ever been owed by a single PO before this, but were totally unconcerned with finding out. They instead concentrated their efforts on extracting the charges from Journey.

Apparently, Journey had gotten on the wrong side of Ming's Bureaucracy once before for not having a permit to carry an open beer in public. The fact that such a permit had not existed before Journey's indiscretion was also a moot point to Ming's Officialdom. She had served a sentence for this transgression, being put to work scrubbing landing pads in Sol.

Showing little loyalty to her friends, Journey quickly informed the officials that her friend Zoyra was supposed to have paid the taxes for her. At first Zoyra went along with her story until the officials applied a little heat (Portable Thermonuclear Thermal Enhancers) to the right areas. As Zoyra applied burn ointment, he whimpered his confession that it had been Journey's responsibility and he'd never been asked to pay taxes for her.

Journey grew a little wide-eyed at the sight of the PTTE, and suddenly remembered that her goat had eaten the tax receipt. Being skeptical, the officials began messing with the dials on the PTTE getting it revved up for another temperature raising excursion this time to strategic portions of Journey's body. Fortunately, Zoyra had the goat tethered nearby and quickly produced it for the officials to see.

Looking disappointed, the officials prepared the PTTE for shut down while examining the goat. They grudgingly allowed Journey to keep the goat tethered to her landing pad until it can "produce" the questioned receipt. Of course this will mean Journey will also have another LP to clean once this happens.


Federation DataSpace was christened this week by a new Casanova of the spaceways. A mysterious captain wandered into Fedruckers to join Galinfenner (who was hung over), Krimhurg (who was going without), Pandori (who was playing with his triggers), Uniquette (who was occupied with mail), and Amarushaya (who was trying to get someone to bring her ice cream).

While captain Atholo picked his nose and tried to win friends by buying beer (which caused a shudder from Galin and a wince from Krimhurg), Uniquette and Amarushaya attempted to be friendly and introduce themselves. Taking this as a cue of acceptance, Atholo proclaimed loudly that he was ready for some "hot women" and set his sights on the angel of the spaceways. Offering to tend her wings, Altholo was warned that he should be careful least the angel kill him ("Of course you'd die smiling", said Galinfenner).

Not quite grasping the meaning Atholo plucked a feather to pick his teeth with, which prompted an assault with a snow cone on the part of Amarushaya. Ever insistent, Altholo then proceeded to take Amar into his arms and inform her that he was her "true love" and puckered up for a kiss. Bequeathing the young man with a slap, Amar soon received a high five and a thumbs up from a portering Montag, who disappeared as rapidly as he arrived.

The ever-insistent Atholo eventually wore the Angels resistance down, and arranged to meet her in a private location on Mars, or so everyone thought. Shortly after capturing his prey the captain realized he had a date waiting for him already and disappeared, but not before proclaiming that all women want him. Is this the last we shall hear of this new heartthrob? Has every woman's dream disappeared for good? Or shall he reappear again only to call another woman "sweet cheeks"? Only time shall tell.


The Federation community went into a panic early this week when Fed DataSpace's own leading nudist was found wearing clothes. As markets crashed and merchants panicked, this dedicated Investigative Reporter set out to discover why.

We found our victim, err target, on Requiem when we stumbled through a trapdoor leading into his secret bar at the Edge of Forever. Upon being discovered, Krimhurg bolted into a private office while screaming "GET THAT THING AWAY FROM MEEE…".

Tracking him down in his hot springs we then informed him that we were not here to probe him nor were we from the Humanities Engineers Leading Physicians and Medical Employees (HELP ME) but instead were from Fed News, at which point he started babbling incoherently about how cool it would be to appear in the News. Did we ever obtain the answer to our quest? Of course, but it took several hours of listening to Krimhurg's babble. And the answer to why he was seen wearing socks? His feet were cold.


Poco, Duchess of Weasel, was spotted grumbling and beheading her parliament this week after several POs in the duchy were observed twitching uncontrollably, and jumping at the least little sound.

When approached, Poco started going beserk and nearly had her guards tear apart the newsdroid! After getting her calmed down a little, we learned that Poco's blender had been stolen recently and she was without mind-altering blended beverages. 'The Parliament was handy so I started with them.' growled the upset, sober weasel. 'Besides, it's about time I found a new Parliament anyway.'

Asked if she had any other suspects, Poco stated, 'I just can't imagine why anyone would want to keep the Duchess sober. It's hard enough thinking up Duke swindling conspiracies as it is.' She sighed heavily at this point and waved her arm as another member of Parliament was brought to the chopping block. 'Yes, yes, off with her head too. I never liked her much anyway.' As the sound of the blade kerchunking through spine reached us, the duchess seemed to light up. She snapped her fingers and exclaimed, 'I know who did it! It must be.' She grew quiet so we inquired, 'Was it an ex-husband perhaps?' She looked at us as if we were stupid. 'More than likely as there are few people, objects, or places I've not married yet you dolts!' She looked off into the distance, 'Yes ever since I stole some of his rum he's been peeved.' With that she vanished off to find the culprit no doubt. We shuddered to think what would happen to the accused when Poco finally caught up to him.

A Duchy spokesman reported to us that scientists on Weasel were busy trying to replicate an exact duplicate of the stolen blender, but so far had had no luck. 'The intricacy of the ratios between the various turn gears and exact curvature of the pitcher are extremely difficult to get just right. Her Duchessness requires that everything be just perfect and woe to those who try to pass off a cheap imitation.'

Newsdroids are currently stationed in strategic parts of the Duchy in order to gather more information about the Weasel Sober Tragedy. A rumor reported just as we went to print stated that Poco had dipped into Bluebeard's rum once, so a team has been dispatched to check on this. Reports will be forthcoming as we gather more information.


Last week we reported that Poco, Duchess of Weasel, had lost her blender and havoc had resulted in the duchy. This week a newsdroid doing a routine check of the bar boards saw the following post:

210814:751 - Kevinwire: Oh no! Tell me it ain't true. Wait... I saw Baybe passing Tbar a note! (Anyone need a blender?)

This seemed to be in answer to the post before it:

210814:740 - Shadow: Psssst... I heard... that Falacy and Tbar were in a meeting, and...

Normally such goings on between Tbar and associates wouldn't be noticed but the mention of a blender piqued our interest and we just had to find out. We dispatched a newsdroid to Tbar's residence on Neverland. The droid soon discovered the duke was not present. Being resourceful, the droid climbed over the used peach ice cream containers strewn in the backyard and pried open a loosely closed window. Making its way to the kitchen, the droid noticed a fabulously jeweled box with a large lock on it. Not having the vision limitations of a skin and bone reporter, the droid used its pernicious vision implants to delve a bit further. Nestled inside the box was most certainly a blender! It was no ordinary blender, ornate, detailed, and lavish gold decorations covered the outside and provided settings for jewels. The box sat next to a chained refrigerator, on which the droid discovered a little bit of a puddle. Inspection proved the puddle to be peach flavored ice cream, known to be a favorite of Duke Tbar.

The newsdroid knew it had discovered something of great importance and hurried back to news central to report. As of this writing the Spynet Bulletin is searching for the Duke Tbar, Kevinwire (Did he posses the blender at some point?), and Baybe (Did the baroness having something to do with this peach ice cream incident?) Further sensationalistic goings on will be reported as soon as our newsdroid can be fully cleaned. (It fell in the ice cream containers going back for more dirt and is currently a very sticky mess in the shop).

by Greta Gagdroid

To everyone's surprise, I have decided to honor the Imperial Emperor Ming this issue. Why, you ask? In hopes that it will please him enough that he'll skip me in his next flogging rampage, or it'll make him sick enough he has to cancel it altogether. If you really want to honor the Imperial Emperor I would suggest enjoying this fine meal groveling at the foot of a life size portrait of his royalness. But because Venusians still hold a grudge it's best not to bring pictures of or pay homage to Ming on Venus.

When preparing this wonderful dish, please pay close attention to the fact that we're making oyster grizzle – NOT using grizzle oysters as we did in the Mercury Cave Oyster dish we worked on a few issues ago.



1 pound grizzle flank steak
2 tbs. light soy sauce
1 tb. dry whoosh
1 tsp. Sugar
1/4 tb. Titan oyster sauce
2 tb. peanut oil

Cut the grizzle flank steak across the grain into thin pieces. Marinate in the soy sauce, whoosh, sugar, and ginger. Add the Titan oyster sauce. Stir-fry the meat very quickly in a hot pan and peanut oil. It will make its own gravy.

Serve over a bed of rice or noodles.


A bunch of us were talking on Channel 9 the other day about combining certain commodities. Everyone knows that when you add anti-matter and another commodity the amount of the lower commodity is taken from the other one. But what of the other commodities?

For example, electros with livestock; wouldn't you have a nice meal after that? Or maybe you're interested in cereals; livestock and cereals, yum! Then again, you have to be careful about such things as woods, explosives and nitros. You may have to repair your warehouse from the fire. Of course, if you're trying to annihilate the whole planet, then you may want add radioactives and xmetals. Good-bye warehouse, good-bye planet!

So remember next time you're adding those bays to be careful, not careless. The wrong commodities put together may destroy the planet. Of course, some people are going to try to, but the services won't! Trust me, I know...